Four Vital Questions that Every Life Coach Must Ask

Four Vital Questions that Every Life Coach Must Ask

Are you wondering why your coaching hasn’t taken off?

It’s okay, I too was confused. At first.

When I started my coaching biz. I was asking myself over and over the wrong question.

“Why isn’t my coaching business taking off?”

Sure, I had some clients, but not many.

Then I realised, “Hey! I’m a coach! Ask a better question!”

And so, I did. What was my question? That’s a great question!

Well, in truth it wasn’t one question. It was 4 questions actually.

This question is actually, four vital questions that every life coach must ask.

If you’re a coach and you want to grow your business big time, here are the four vital questions that every life coach must ask. If you don’t answer these questions and create a marketing structure based on your answers? Then your coaching business is going to feel like you’re collecting aluminium cans from rubbish bins.

Here are the four vital questions that every Life Coach must ask or flounder or worse, fail.

1: WHAT is the biggest problem you solve?

2: WHO needs that problem solved most or WHO will pay the most to solve that problem?

3: WHY do YOU want to help them? And

4: HOW do you help them?

Here’s what led me to answer those questions.

When I was learning NLP, I realised how many dumb beliefs I had that were limiting my income.

As I was nearing the end of my NLP training, I had a HUGE epiphany that multiplied my annual income over four times! This epiphany led me to earn more than the then Prime Minister John Howard! But you’re not here about my epiphany. That’s for another time. So, let’s get back to my answers to those four vital questions that every life coach must ask.

Here are my answers to the four vital questions that every Life Coach must ask…

Then I got a coach, and after our first session together. I got clear. That’s when I answered those four questions, and this is what it looked like:

  1. WHAT is the biggest problem you solve?
  2. ANS: Money worry.
  1. WHO needs that problem solved most or WHO will pay the most to solve that problem?
  2. ANS: People who want to make more money. Why? Because they’re unsatisfied about what they’re earning now. At some level, they know they could do better.
  1. WHY do YOU want to help them?
  2. ANS: Because I once knew that that felt like. How much it hurt me, almost physically when I worried that I wasn’t even going to survive. Somehow in my brain, I thought I was going to die – or at best, become homeless, destitute.
  1. HOW do YOU help them?
  2. ANS: With our Life Coach + NLP Practitioner program.

Candidly, I didn’t answer these questions all too quickly. It took me one coaching session with my amazing coach and one whole day to answer those four vital questions that every life coach must ask.

I got coached that Friday and I had the weekend off. So I decided that that Saturday, I would sit down and commit to answering those four questions.

Hell! I was committed.

After all, I had invested so much time and money to be a coach only to fail. No way!

I’d already quit my job and had no other income. It was boom or bust for me.

What happened next?

The upshot? I didn’t waste my entire weekend going around in circles.

I realised that all that was needed from me to STAMP! my foot on the ground and make a full-hearted decision. A declaration to the Universe that I was IN! I was committed to helping evolve my peeps.

I was committed to helping me, help the Universe.

So, I said to the Universe, out loud and in my head…

“I’m doing this, and I need your full, financial support. I’ll build the program and do the marketing, and you find the people that need me most. Speak to their souls, not their human (because I know how scared the human can be. And how courageous the spirit is).

Speak to their souls so that they get that I will look after them. I’ve got their back. I will help them to evolve and help them to make more money. How?

I will teach them how to remove their fear of money. I’ll educate them. I’ll coach them. Hec! I’ll even do some of the work for them if I have to!

Send them to me and I’ll do rest.”

Things can change just like magic when you make a full-hearted decision

Like magic, my coaching world changed overnight. I got my first positive sign that something had shifted as people enrolled in my coaching.

Then large numbers of people came to my premium program, my “Life Coach + NLP Practitioner” training.

Fast forward to today…I’ve now made millions of dollars and I don’t know if I have helped millions of people – but I’ve certainly trained thousands of people who have helped thousands more.

All of this happened after asking four of the most powerful questions that you can ask yourself as a coach, trainer or change agent.

The question is – when will you ask and answer those questions?

And if you already have – welcome to the world’s leaders.

I welcome you as a change agent, whose job it is to wake people up.

Because my friends – the majority of the world’s population are in one huge, big, out-of-control (through control) trance. They’re adults, still running off programs that came from their parents and their childhood.

Finally, if you know you’re here for a bigger reason and need some guidance or help?

Let me reward you for reading this far…

Let me reward you for reading right until the end.

I have now been a successful commercial coach for 20 years with over 38,000 hours of transformational work under my belt. No-one stays in business for 20 years without knowing a trick or two.

So here is my offer to you…

I give you one hour to help get you clearer and get you on track. You can get more information and access me and my diary here.

To your success!

Rik SchnabelThe Brain Untrainer