Transformational, Meditational and Healing Audios Range
Benefit from the full range of our Hypnotic Healing Audios. Simply choose the most helpful hypnotic healing audios by clicking the “Add to Cart” button and get them right away. No waiting. No shipping. All audios are available in mp3 format for your mobile phone or audio listening devices.
Want to know more about how hypnotic healing audios help?
IMPORTANT: Our audios have been designed to create the most beneficial changes in the quickest amount of time. We use hypnosis, theta tones, binaural beats and specific music with helpful and tranquil Hertz ratings. Therefore, our audios are meditative and hypnotic in nature so it is important that you do not listen to these while driving, using heavy machinery or while requiring full conscious awareness. It is best to listen to them before sleeping and we suggest you watch the video above to get the most from them. You can also discover how hypnotic healing audios work according to science.
ABUNDANCE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase your wealth mindset.
Duration: 33:34 minutes
Description: An abundance mindset is a wealthy mindset. Though many beliefs and programs stop you from attracting wealth into your life. This audio is designed to remove the unconscious programming that stands between you and your wealthy self. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Think richer and overcome a poverty or lack mindset.
Duration: 34:55 minutes
Description: Helps you to untrain your brain of poverty patterns and fear of growing your wealth. Wealth is wisdom and a willingness to grow your money flow. This audio is designed to remove your poverty patterns. Price: $55 Now $27
CALM Beyond Limits
Benefits: Feel and think calmer than ever before, naturally.
Duration: 48:00 minutes
Description: Hypnotic healing audios remove the tensions, anxieties and worries from your mind as you calm your thoughts and relax. This audio will have you going deeper into relaxation than a well-trained Buddhist Monk. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Find a greater purpose within you. Discover a newfound power and peace of mind.
Duration: 42:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to uncover your hidden purpose or re-energise your forgotten purpose. Enjoy a newfound motivational power. Price: $55 Now $27
CONFIDENCE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase your confidence with ease.
Duration: 61:36 minutes
Description: Program your subconscious mind to convince you that you are confident? This audio is designed to remove the unconscious programming that stands between you and your confidence self. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Get a quick confidence boost.
Duration: 60:00 minutes
Description: Deepen further your confidence. This is a perfect accompaniment to “Confidence Beyond Limits.” You will find yourself trusting yourself more and feeling more comfortable in your own skin. Price: $55 Now $27
COURAGE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase your courage with ease.
Duration: 33:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio increases your courage and reduce your fears of what others think of you and your fears of the world. This audio increases your courage with each listening by untraining your brain of fear. Price: $55 Now $27
CREATIVE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Unleash your creative side and open up your imagination.
Duration: 58:02 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio lets your imagination run wild, opening the creative parts of your right brain function. Ideal for anyone who wants ideas to flow freely or if you are experiencing a creative block. Price: $55 Now $27
DESTINY Beyond Limits
Benefits: Unlock your destiny by communicating through the unconscious
Duration: 56:24 minutes
Description: Go on a magical journey of discovery to uncover your passions. Designed to help remove the suppressive processes that hinder you from realising your true purpose and the passion that lays beneath it. Price: $55 Now $27
FORGIVE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Heal anger and resentment from your past.
Duration: 52:30 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio helps you to release negative attachments from past relationships. Also ideal to help you move on from some limiting relationships which may still have a hold on you. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Forgive and Release Negative Attachments.
Duration: 47:35 minutes
Description: A brilliant accompaniment to “Forgiveness Beyond Limits” as it takes forgiveness now to the next, much deeper level to help you forgive and release negative attachments. It’s not about condoning bad behaviour at all but releasing associated trauma. Price: $55 Now $27
FREE MAN Beyond Limits
Benefits: Release yourself from feeling trapped and limited.
Duration: 37:07 minutes
Description: Many people feel incarcerated, and imprisoned when in truth, they’re free. They just can’t see it or feel it. It’s no surprise that we then limit our life. Untrain your brain of the shackles of your mind to find a true feeling of freedom. Price: $55 Now $27
GENIUS Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase your ability to unlock the Genius Mind within you.
Duration: 1:30:00 minutes
Description: There is a genius in all of us however some of us have no idea of where their genius exists. Tap into your unconscious to unlock the greater mind powers from within you. This is excellent for anyone who is studying or about to undergo a course. Price: $55 Now $27
HEAL Beyond Limits I & II (TWO AUDIO SET)
Benefits: Consciously remove the health limitations from your body
Duration: Healing I: 66:38 minutes + Healing II: 60:00 minutes
Description: These hypnotic healing audios are specifically worded to help you to focus upon specific areas of your body which you choose to speed up the healing process. Studies continue to support that the mind has a major part to play in healing. Price: $110 Now $47
HIGHER SELF Beyond Limits
Benefits: Ascend to your wisest and most spiritual self.
Duration: 48:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio helps you to discover the path to ascension, the path to your highest self. Rise above the limitations of life and challenge as you hear the story of the Little Soul of The Sun. Price: $55 Now $27
LEADERSHIP Beyond Limits
Benefits: Start believing you’re a leader and you will soon become one.
Duration: 60:24 minutes
Description: Good leaders make decisions quickly and can identify great opportunities through clarity and powerful thinking. This Audio helps you to unlock the Leader within. Gain more clarity as you release some old unconscious patterns that may have limited you in the past. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond ANGER
Benefits: Release Anger from the past, the easy way
Duration: 53:20 minutes
Description: Anger is one of the most destructive emotions one can have. You may be abrupt and at times even hostile, without real cause. This is due to tapping into unresolved anger and it can disappear completely using this guided audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond BREAK-UP (The Parting Process)
Benefits: Separating without anger or blame
Duration: 54:18 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is hugely helpful if you have chosen to part with your significant other. You are not to blame, nor are they. Life Beyond Break Up, The Parting Process helps couples to move on without blame, anguish, guilt and sadness. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond BROKE
Benefits: Assists in altering ‘thoughts of lack in your subconscious
Duration: 60:10 minutes
Description: Release a poverty mindset and align to a wealthier mindset. Remove blocks such as “I’m not good enough to be wealthy” and “I’m not lucky enough to be wealthy”. This is an excellent audio coupled with “Life Beyond Money” and “Life Beyond Money Flow.” Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond CANCER I + II
Benefits: Remove the mental barriers to health and heal the body.
Duration: Audio I 67:51 minutes – Audio II 44:47 minutes
Description: This audio supports the mental processes of dealing with cancer. Studies have found that a strong mental condition strengthens our ability to self-heal. Focus upon targeted cancerous areas of your body. Price: $110 Now $47
Benefits: Remove the habituation of depressed thinking.
Duration: 59:04 minutes
Description: Helps to untrain your brain to release the concepts of depression. By retraining depressed and supressed memories, you light up your neurology in these stored areas of the mind to change them. This audio will help you to turn off your disempowering thinking. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond DIS-EASE
Benefits: Heal your body via your unconscious mind.
Duration: 44:30 minutes
Description: This audio was initially used in hypnotic therapeutic sessions to help people with terminal illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and other degenerative diseases. It was then found to assist people with chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and even cold symptoms. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove abandonment expectations and fear for good.
Duration: 60:00 minutes
Description: Reduce the fear of being left alone and so stop that negative relationship pattern in its tracks. Remove the unconscious behaviour from causing relationship loss. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Release fearful aspects for good and ascend them.
Duration: 33:00 minutes
Description: Release the fearful parts of you, the aspects that trap your thinking and limit your actions. This audio program will help to free you from the fearful and illusory aspects that incarcerate your thinking. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove guilt and shame and their stifling affects.
Duration: 24:45 minutes
Description: Reduce and remove guilt and shame and the fear that is its cause. This audio program will help to free you from guilt and shame and the fear these bring about. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond LABOUR
Benefits: Make childbirth easier by relaxing into the miracle of birth.
Duration: 1:13:58 minutes
Description: Childbirth doesn’t have to be hard or painful. Your state of mind and your emotional state determine its ease. Listen to this audio with regularity prior to giving birth to make the experience more relaxing and joyful. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove the limitations and negative self-talk that impedes success.
Duration: 53:00 minutes
Description: The negative chatter in our minds is largely responsible for our continual programming that has you self-sabotage your efforts towards success and ultimately your failure. This will reduce negative self-talk and installs a powerful and loving voice in your mind. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove the limitations and negative self-talk that impede success.
Duration: 20:00 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to remove obligations and resentments from your thought patterns that traps your thoughts and limits your actions. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond SADNESS
Benefits: Remove sadness triggers to make being happy much easier.
Duration: 32:14 minutes
Description: Sadness like many emotions is typically triggered by memories from the past. You will find that after following this process it will be much easier to feel happy and fulfilled, and you will feel much lighter afterward Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove the limitations of toxic self-judgement.
Duration: 34:33 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to remove feelings of self-loathing and shame, guilt and blame from your thought patterns that traps your thoughts, identity and limits your actions. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond SINGLE
Benefits: Attract your Soul Mate into your life by releasing the usual resistance.
Duration: 65.53 minutes
Description: Alter your thinking and so your communications and posture to become more attractive. Remove emotions such as neediness and feeling lonely and become a magnet to attract your soul mate into your life. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond SMOKING (6 Audios + Book)
Benefits: Time to Quit? Remove the smoker from your mind.
Duration: AUDIO 1 – 1:13:25 mins. AUDIO 2 – 1:11:11 mins. AUDIO 3 – 1:16:49 mins. AUDIO 4 – 1:13:14 mins. AUDIO 5 – 1:01:45 mins. AUDIO 6 – 0:53:20 mins.
Description: These audios are designed to reduce your desire to smoke while removing the unconscious programming that stands between you and health. Includes “Life Beyond – Anger, Stress, Negative Self-Talk.” Price: $330 Now $127
Life Beyond STRESS
Benefits: Relax your mind, body and soul with ease.
Duration: 1:13:14 minutes
Description: Stress is merely how we code and store the information in our mind as to how we react and respond to specific events and stimuli. This can be changed. Stress can also be an indicator that tells us that we’re working hard or sufficiently, but could you imagine how more enjoyable or productive work will be if you were able to massively reduce your stress? Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond LITTLE MIND (Aspect Therapy)
Benefits: Remove your small mindedness and ego aspects from your life.
Duration: 0:44:00 minutes
Description: Remove all the aspects from being small-minded and allowing your ego to run your life, to finally finding freedom from limitations and competition. Enjoy your new freedoms. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Remove your need to get other people’s approval.
Duration: 0:48:00 minutes
Description: Remove the need to gain other people’s approval of your decisions and your self-image. Enjoy your new freedoms as you can finally enjoy making your own decisions without penalty. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond WEIGHT I – II and III (3 Audio Set)
Benefits: Remove Weight from your Unconscious.
Duration: Audio i – 53:26 mins. Audio ii – 53:00 mins. Audio iii – 56:49 mins.
Description: Feel better about yourself and work with your unconscious to remove excess weight by reducing your appetite for snacks. Price: $165 Now $77
MONEY FLOW Beyond Limits
Benefits: Align yourself to a wealthy money-flow consciousness.
Duration: 60:56 minutes
Description: This is our favorite of the money audios and can help you feel calmer about money, and this is at the core of all money manifestations. Find it easier to think about money positively. Price: $55 Now $27
SELF-LOVE Beyond Limits
Benefits: Learn to love yourself without judgement and criticism.
Duration: 32:00 minutes
Description: Remove the barriers to fully loving yourself for who are and who you can be. Align your heart with your head and completely accept yourself for all you are and all you can be. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Learn to love yourself without judgment and criticism.
Duration: 54:00 minutes
Description: Rebirth yourself to fully appreciate who you are and all you have done to be born. Rediscover yourself from multiple perspectives so that you truly come to appreciate yourself. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Reduce your fear of public speaking.
Duration: 29:00 minutes
Description: You have a message in you that you know will help others – though for unknown reasons, you’re not putting yourself out there. This purposefully written hypnotic induction is designed to diminish your fear of public speaking and invoke the great speaker within you. Let this program release the empowered inner orator. Price: $55 Now $27
TIME (Management) Beyond Limits
Benefits: Improve your Time Management at the unconscious level.
Duration: 51.32 minutes
Description: Improve your time management as you increase the value you place on time at an unconscious level. Listening to this audio it becomes easier to manage time and get more done in your day. This audio is a helpful accompaniment to 5×5 To Thrive. Price: $55 Now $27
TRUST Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase the power of your intuition and trust yourself.
Duration: 0:30:00 minutes
Description: Remove fear of making the wrong decision and trust yourself much more by increasing your abilities to tap into your intuition. This is what success is all about. Price: $55 Now $27
FAITH Beyond Limits
Benefits: Increase your level of faith and anything is possible.
Duration: 0:30:00 minutes
Description: Remove your programs of self-doubt and build a level of clarity and purpose in all that you do. This will have you build your faith in yourself and the Universe. Price: $55 Now $27
COMMUNICATE Like A Leader Beyond Limits
Benefits: Improve your ability to communicate like a leader. Enjoy a new found power and peace of mind.
Duration: 0:48:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to increase your desire to communicate and improve how you do that. Enjoy a new found freedom and calm courage. Price: $55 Now $27
LEARN Beyond Limits
Benefits: Improve your ability to learn and retain information you love. Enjoy a newfound power and peace of mind.
Duration: 0:40:40 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to increase your ability to learn new information and retain what you learn more easily. Enjoy a newfound mind power. Price:$55 Now $27
CLIMAX Beyond Limits
(Must be 18 years and over to purchase this)
Benefits: Relax conscious barriers to intimacy, allow the full benefits to flow.
Duration: 50:44 minutes
Description: 1 in 6 women rarely or never orgasm. This audio is designed to unlock the mental barriers to orgasm, reduce negative sex self-talk and increase ease of climax. Price: $55 Now $27
Benefits: Improve your relationship of money and stop losing it.
Duration: 0:35:47 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to improve your unhealthy relationship with money and stop letting money slip through your fingers.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond MONEY WORRY Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to release your fear of not making enough money.
Duration: 0:33:00 minutes
Description: This audio is ideal to boost your confidence and increase self-trust when it comes to making and investing money.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
FIND YOUR PURPOSE Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Find a greater purpose within you. Discover a newfound power and peace of mind.
Duration: 0:42:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help you to find your ultimate purpose and forge a new motivation within.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond BEING SEEN Brain Untrain Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to release your fear of putting yourself ‘out there.’
Duration: 0:58:48 minutes
Description: Ideal for you if you are having challenges in putting yourself out into the world or you fear promoting yourself.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond FEAR of HEIGHTS Brain Untrain Program
Benefits: Dramatically reduce your fear of heights and induce a state of peace and calm.
Duration: 1:00:00 minutes
Description: This audio is a BRAIN UNTRAIN program designed to improve your unconscious fear of heights program.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
DREAMS Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to open up your heart to access your dreams and desires.
Duration: 0:40:10 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to improve your ability to create dreams and goals. Allow yourself to dream again.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond NEED FOR PRAISE Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to reduce your need for external praise and increase self-esteem.
Duration: 0:32:00 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to release your need for approval and the praise of others. You will feel calmer and more at ease within yourself.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
COACH Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to reduce your fear of coaching and putting yourself ‘out there’.
Duration: 0:56:00 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to improve your ability to heal and coach others. Enjoy a newfound power and peace of mind.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
WRITE Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to release the writer in you and allow the ideas and words to flow.
Duration: 0:25:00 minutes
Description: Ideal for ‘writer’s block’ this audio is designed to free up your thoughts, ideas and words and allow them to flow.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
SMART Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to release the unintelligent labels that you have given yourself.
Duration: 0:55:00 minutes
Description: Release any intelligence limits that you have placed on yourself and let yourself grow into your fullest potential.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Speak Up Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to help you to speak up and express yourself.
Duration: 0:55:00 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to help you to communicate your thoughts and feelings without fear or discomfort. Enjoy a newfound freedom of expression.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Need To Control Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to reduce your perfectionism and release your need to control.
Duration: 0:42:42 minutes
Description: Designed to improve your ability to accept that you will always do your best and release perfectionism. Enjoy a newfound power to produce. Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Anger 2 Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to free you of anger and angry outbursts.
Duration: 0:52:00 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to reduce the emotional charge of anger and find your inner calm. Enjoy a newfound peace and power.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Alone Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to feeling lonely and alone.
Duration: 1:07:03 minutes
Description: This audio is designed to help you to feel complete and remove the feelings of being alone. Enjoy a newfound freedom.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
FERTILITY Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Helps your mind and body to be open to conceiving.
Duration:0:45:45 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help your body improve your ability to conceive and enjoy an easy and successful birth.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price:$55 Now $27
MASTER CALM Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Align your mind and body with calm and ease.
Duration: 0:48:48 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help to ease into a deep state of calm and resilience so that you can relax your thinking resourcefully.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Disappointment Audio Program
Benefits: Release the pattern of constantly being disappointed from life.
Duration: 0:47:07 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to release the neurological pattern associated with the expectation of being disappointed.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Feeling Weird Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to help you to stop obsessing about feeling different and embrace it.
Duration: 1:10:10 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help you to feel normal in your differences and allow your uniqueness to unfold. Enjoy a newfound freedom.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
WORTHY OF MONEY Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: No longer feel that you don’t deserve money. Be super abundant.
Duration: 1:00:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to release any issues of worth regarding how much money you can earn.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Being A Victim Audio Program
Benefits: Release the victim pattern of constantly being a target in life.
Duration: 1:25:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to release the neurological victim pattern associated with the expectation of being a target for others.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
SMART 2 Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to help you to alter your intelligence perception and improve your memory.
Duration: 0:35:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help you access the intelligence perception part of your brain and increase memory potential.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
IDEAS Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Helps you to generate your best and most creative ideas.
Duration:0:45:55 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help to unlock your creative genius and stimulate many creative ideas and solutions.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price:$55 Now $27
TRADE Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Calm your mind during share trading and make the best rational decisions.
Duration: 0:35:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to calm your mind to improve your ability to enhance your share trading ability.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Womb Sadness Audio Program
Benefits: Release the sadness you picked up from your mother before birth.
Duration: 0:47:16 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to release the neurological sadness you accepted from your mother and remove it for good.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond Your PAST LIFE Audio Program
Benefits: This audio is designed to release the hold of multiple past lives.
Duration: 0:57:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to help you release the neurological hold of strange circumstances and issues that can only come from past lives.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
Life Beyond BAD DIET Audio Program
Benefits: Untrain your brain of making bad food choices and start eating better than ever before.
Duration: 0:35:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to calm your mind to improve your ability to make better food choices.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
BLADDER CONTROL Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Improve your bladder function and reduce stress to urinate.
Duration: 0:48:00 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to release the neurological connection to stress and bladder function.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27
BLADDER HEALING Beyond Limits Audio Program
Benefits: Heal your bladder to improve it’s function and reduce stress to urinate.
Duration: 0:36:36 minutes
Description: This hypnotic healing audio is designed to allow your body to heal to improve bladder function.
Format: MP3 Downloadable audio. Price: $55 Now $27