Wealth Transformation: How Independent Women Can Elevate Their Finances

Wealth Transformation: How Independent Women Can Elevate Their Finances

Managing finances can be challenging, especially for women. In today’s society, women often struggle with issues like the gender pay gap, which means they get paid less than men. Societal norms can also limit women from achieving high-paying jobs, as they often face more scrutiny regarding their abilities and expertise. Many also lack financial know-how, as men usually handle the money in the family’s budget. However, times have changed, and while these issues haven’t been eliminated, women now have more tools, resources, and opportunities to manage their money and do so independently. Here’s how independent women can elevate their finances:

Take control of your money

As an independent woman, your finances should be under your personal control rather than letting a spouse or partner manage your funds entirely. In the case of a separation, divorce, or death, you might find yourself struggling with regaining financial control and navigating money challenges. Some of the best wealth-building tips encourage you to be involved and engaged in every aspect of your financial health.

You can start by taking care of your debts to avoid being weighed down by the money you owe. Be intentional about your savings and create separate accounts for individual savings, emergency funds, and retirement plans to ensure you have enough stored away for any situation. Even if you earn money from a job or business, you can diversify your income and look for additional revenue streams to earn more funds. By taking control of your finances and taking the initiative to save and earn more, you can enjoy your independence even more and have enough finances for personal and emergency use.

Set saving goals

Bills and significant purchases can be tough to pay for, especially if you’re an independent woman who’s likely handling these expenditures on your own. It’s also easy to get caught off guard by large payments that can leave you scrambling for enough payment. Rather than spending a large amount in one go, setting savings goals and being strategic with your money can help you set aside enough funds to take care of any expected purchases.

Strategies like sinking funds can encourage you to put away money for upcoming bills or expenses you can plan for. You can set up a sinking fund for purchases like home renovations, birthday or Christmas gifts, vet bills, vacations, or any expense you want to have enough money for. You can consider how much the costs will likely be, when it’s due, and how many paydays you have until payment. This can help you calculate your goal and how much to set aside monthly to reach it. By setting saving goals or sinking funds, you can be prepared for any expenditures and spending without coming up short.

Adjust your mindset

Being an independent woman can still be a challenge in an unequal society, and this can cause you to underestimate your abilities and the value of your work. However, being stuck in this mindset won’t be helpful financially. You may end up undercharging for your services or be too reluctant to pursue more income opportunities due to fear or a lack of confidence. Managing your mindset can help you elevate your finances and empower your efforts. Rather than stay paralyzed, take the initiative to build financial literacy and be open to continuous learning to equip yourself with the knowledge and know-how to manage and grow your funds.

You may also undervalue your work and accept less than you deserve for your services compared to your male peers. Shift your thinking by making it a point to speak up when you feel you aren’t being paid your worth, and don’t settle for less. If you’re planning a business venture, you don’t have to play it safe with your ideas. Some craziness in business can help you find success and give your business a unique edge, allowing you to generate revenue doing something that’s out of the box.

Why Do We Teach NLP Trainer Training?

Why Do We Teach NLP Trainer Training?

One common question people ask me is, “Why does Life Beyond Limits teach nlp trainer training?” I get it. They know my company, Life Beyond Limits also teaches NLP and upon gaining a Trainer Training qualification, they know that my students will be able to teach NLP. What they don’t get is why anyone in their right mind would create competition for themselves. Here’s why we do that.

Firstly, we care about the state of the world and we care deeply about mental health. That’s the first reason we train people to teach NLP. I know what you might be thinking. Yes, that’s all good and well, but aren’t you creating more competition for yourselves? Well, that would be true if NLP Trainers were coming out of the woodwork in their millions but that’s not true at all.

There is One Accredited NLP Trainer for Every One Million Australians – That’s Nuts!

The Neuro Linguistic Programming Association of Australia Inc. (NLPAA) is the only governing body that determines if you are accredited to teach NLP. At the time of printing, its website lists a mere 26 accredited trainers in Australia and that’s including me! If you’ve done the mat, that’s just one trainer for every one million Australians. There are not enough trainers to meet demand and Life Beyond Limits is doing our bit to make a difference, not only in Australia, but in the world.

Even if Australia increased it’s number of Master NLP Trainers one-hundred times over to 26,000, there still would not be enough.

Over the years, I have offered NLP Training in Melbourne. I’ve provided NLP Training in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra. I’ve even traveled over 3,000 kilometers to teach NLP in Western Australia and Tasmania, and still there are not enough people who know NLP. But why do I do it? The answer is simple and certainly motivating …

We are Fighting a War on Consciousness

More than at any time before, there are so many distractions, addictions and misaligned disinformation in our world. While mental health is at an all-time high, productivity is at an all-time low. According to a Gallup Poll, 85% of workers hate their jobs and are disengaged. I have come to understand that the reason behind the complexity of this problem is simple. People make poor choices when our civilization has a poor infrastructure. Good choices come from when we know ourselves well enough, to know which avenues are right for us. However, in our schooling, we were never asked questions to discover ourselves with any level of detail. We never learned to uncover our values. We rarely were asked enough questions to define ourselves. So unknowingly, we entered into careers that didn’t suit our personality styles or our values.

Our students, who have become society’s adults were not conscious in the first instance when they chose their career and so their job. This is due to a lack of self-understanding and metacognition; understanding why they think a particular way.

When our students attend NLP Practitioner Training, they learn to improve their conscious decisions. They gain an understanding of metacognition and why they have become the person they are today. But sadly, a small portion of the population has learned NLP and remain largely unconscious. The process of wisdom is modeled in our Master Coach and Master NLP Practitioner training. I have referred to “The Ascension To Wisdom” in another article, “How To Change Your Frequency And What You Attract.”

Here is Our Vision

Now while it could be true that we are creating more competition for ourselves by teaching our students to teach NLP. We are not in competition with our students. In fact, we’re in an informal partnership with our students. We promote them and in NLP Trainer Training, we even give them all the PowerPoints, manuals and all the business files and templates they need to become a successful NLP Trainer. Call us crazy. Call us stupid. But the reason we’re doing this is to duplicate the good work we’re doing in the world and helping our students to do good work in the world too. That’s our vision.

Would You Like To Be An NLP Trainer Too?

My name is Rik Schnabel and I’m a Master NLP Trainer, author and brain untrainer. If you would like to be an NLP Trainer too, let’s jump on a call and let me show you how to get started? Book a time with R!k to find out more about becoming an NLP Trainer.