A Life Beyond Limits: Become conscious and create your life

consciousChapter 6: Become Conscious – Excerpt from Life Beyond Limits

Infinity Belief® – Being conscious is realising that you control your thoughts; your thoughts do not control you.

Australian surfing legend and two-time World Champion, Tom Carroll said, “Once I was able to control my thoughts and get my thoughts to focus upon my performance and not on my competitors, my performance improved and I began winning.” Without being conscious of them, your thoughts are often like dust in the wind, scattered and rarely focused. Psychology Today Magazine stated that we have up to 50,000 thoughts a day and 80% of them are recycled over and over again. That’s a lot of thoughts going around in our heads. Silly as this may sound, we often have thoughts without being conscious of them. Unless we are conscious, our thoughts drift from stimuli to stimuli, moment to moment, event to event. One moment there’s a song in our head, the next we’re thinking about an event that happened years ago. Suddenly a car screeches past and we’re thinking about the driver or admiring the car, a second later we’re wondering why our boss didn’t give us that pay rise and we get angry. This is certainly not the best way to control your state.

Imagine 50,000 thoughts from one moment to the next shooting off in all directions like golf balls, ricocheting off the walls of your mind. No wonder you’re tired! Even unconsciously, your thoughts are determining your day and ultimately your experiences. In fact, they have led you to this very point in your life. Are you happy with where your thoughts have taken you so far or would you prefer a new destination? If so, where would that be? Where would you prefer to be right now, this very minute? It is time to wake up, be conscious by magnetising the thoughts that will lead you to your chosen life, connect to Infinity Belief®. If you think life is a series of accidents, you will have many accidents in your life; think again.

The mind cannot serve you until you direct it, focus it. Those who consciously manifest, get what they choose. Those who do not think to choose, attract unconsciously. Like walking along a pier blindfolded, your scattered thinking may lead you into uncomfortable and undesirable situations. Determine where you’re going; become conscious of your thoughts. While some people find it difficult to focus, meditate or even hold a single thought without being distracted, know that to master any skill you must be conscious of the learning and with practice, it will become easy.

Be conscious of your thoughts by rising above them;
listen, rather than react to your thoughts.

This practice alone will develop and heighten your awareness. You will become separated from your thoughts, a silent observer of them if you like. Wake yourself up every now and again, become aware of your surroundings, open your eyes and start looking as a curious child does. Stop walking around with your eyes focused on the path in front of you. Believe me, it’s safe. You won’t fall down or trip, but you will notice how few people look around them as they walk. They may be focused on their future or their past, but they are rarely focused upon their present. Know this; your thoughts do not control you, you control your thoughts. Set an alarm on your clock, the computer or your watch to remind you to wake up and become conscious.

“Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.” – Dag Hammarskjold

I used to get angry when other motorists cut me off or when people would dart out in front of me when walking. I thought their actions were deliberate until I realised what was really going on. They were unconscious! Most people have no idea what is going on around them and often offend without being conscious.

Make time for your mind to be still, it will help you to become conscious and will aid your productivity. You’ll be amazed at how much time you seem to gain with daily meditation. Your mind will become clearer and less fogged by scattered thinking. If you don’t know how to meditate, I suggest taking a course. Or try this simple method. Choose a time in the day, maybe during your lunch break or at the end of the day. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Switch off your mobile phone and take the phone off the hook. Sit down and start the process of relaxation by taking deeper, slower and longer breaths. Repeat this process a few more times and gently bring your breathing back to normal. Focus on how it feels as you breathe in and breathe out and avoid thinking. You can do this with your eyelids wide open, half-shut or closed. I prefer to do this with my eyelids half-shut as I can see a slightly blurred vision of what is happening around me, but I’m not distracted by visual stimuli. Try meditating for 10 or 20 minutes and whenever a thought enters your mind, do not respond to it but release it. You will find this an energising and clarifying experience. Meditation is easier than you think (pardon the pun). Remember, you can simply change your thoughts; anticipate and believe that it will come to you quickly and easily. Think it easy and it will become easy, think it hard and it will become hard.

“Like the mind, when you still the water, the mud will settle.” – Sogyal Rinpoche

Your greatest power is the power you gain by choosing to be in the present. Become conscious of your thoughts at this very moment and you become present. In being conscious, you can be selective about what data you absorb and who or what you choose to expose yourself to. I once heard someone say – Don’t walk away from negative people, run. The same applies to negative news. Remember that what you focus upon becomes larger in your life. Focus upon negativity and you draw more negativity into your life. Catherine Ponder, in her book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity says, “Do not think, talk or act any way but prosperously. Do not allow others to talk to you in any way but prosperously. Do not read anything or take seriously anything that is printed or said that seems contrary to prosperous thinking. If you mix up your trend of thought, you set up cross-currents that neutralize your efforts of prosperity.” Guard your thoughts; be selective about the material you digest. You can read negative news or positive life-changing material; it is your choice. But either way it will affect you if you let it.

When you choose to be present, you cannot do anything other than become conscious. Your thoughts are not in the past or the future, but in the present. In consciousness you expand your awareness of what is around you. Your sight is clearer, your hearing sharper, your touch more sensitive, your sense of smell and taste are more acute and your intuition is heightened. It is impossible to think about the past while you are present, while you are conscious. An excellent reference can be found in Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now. In the chapter on The State of Presence he makes a valid point about consciousness. “You can’t think about presence, and the mind can’t understand it. Understanding presence is being present. Try a little experiment. Close your eyes and say to yourself; I wonder what my next thought is going to be. Then become very alert and wait for the next thought. Be like a cat watching a mouse hole. What thought is going to come out of the mouse hole? Try it now. As long as you are in a state of intense presence, you are free from thought. You are still, yet highly alert. The instant your conscious attention sinks below a certain level, thought rushes in. The mental noise returns; the stillness is lost.” The start to a bright new future begins in the present, not in the past or the future, but right here, right now. A new future is the act of being conscious and thinking new thoughts. The new thoughts that you have right now, become your future.

Being in the present is vital to Infinity Belief. You are not practicing Infinity Belief while your thoughts are focused upon the pains of the past or feeling fearful about something you have to do in the future. Remember all creation is state dependent and thinking of negative of fearful things can only bring about negative or fearful states. The power is in the present. Change takes as long as you allow the pains of the past to overrule your thoughts. If you speak of the future as if it is not here in the now, your mind believes that what you speak of is not here. Therefore, you unconsciously choose to reject your own words.

When your thoughts are in the present, even deadlines are relieved of stress. Fear of not making a deadline is not being present. If you simply focus upon the task at hand, you trust that you will make deadline; it is the act of being present – what single thing do you have to do right now! Do not focus your energy on worrying about the future. While conscious you are receptive to the subtle clues and intuitive messages that help to guide you along your path. You can only achieve this by being present. Otherwise you will miss message after message. It is time to wake up.

Infinity Belief® – Tips and Truths

  1. We have 50,000 thoughts each day, 80% are recycled.
  2. Your thoughts don’t control you, you control your thoughts.
  3. The mind cannot serve you until you direct it.
  4. Control your thoughts; be conscious of them, like an observer.
  5. Meditation will increase your clarity of thought and with it, your productivity. Allow your mind to be still.
  6. Change takes as long as you allow the pains of the past to overrule your thinking in the present.
  7. The thoughts that you choose to think about in the present become your future.

THIS WEEK’S EXERCISE – Become Conscious.

You cannot practice consciousness, you can only be conscious. Choose to be alert today or tomorrow and continue to raise your consciousness by listening to your thoughts. See what occurs around you and begin looking for evidence to prove that your dreams are possible. You’ll be amazed at what you begin to see and experience. For a start, you will reduce scattered thinking, the constant mental rambling that seems to go no-where. You could choose a regular time each day to allow your mind to be still. If 80% of your thoughts are recycled, then this means you are not making decisions, you are not drawing conclusions and it also suggests that you are thinking too much. Try to stop thinking for five minutes and you’ll see what I mean. Go ahead try it now. And then wait for an inspirational thought to come, and experience it.

“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour.” – Henry David Thoreau


Rik is The Brain Untrainer with over 38,000 brain untraining hours. He is a master of helping his clients create a life beyond limits and is a multiple best-selling author, a world-class Master NLP Trainer, a leading Life Coach and Life Coach trainer, a radio host and a passionate and articulate force for good in the world. R!k’s books include: “A Life Beyond Limits,” “7 Beliefs That Will Change Your Life,” “ROAR! Courage – From Fear To Fearless,” “The Life Coach Millionaires,” “A Richer Way to Think” and “5x5 To Thrive.” Need some help or advice? Visit: https://lifebeyondlimits.com.au/help/

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