Absolutely Take Action Now or Get Hit By a Train – Universe WARNING!

Words can heal you. If you believe that your thoughts can negatively influence your health? Then couldn’t it be true that positive, healing words can help you?

In 2004 an executive who had multiple sclerosis approached me. For confidentiality, let’s call him Mr. X. He said, “Do you think what you can do, could help me?” I asked him what was his limit. He explained that he had Multiple Sclerosis. Naturally, I responded, “I’ve never helped anyone with MS before.” Though he persisted. He believed in me which excited me and activated my curiosity.

My MS client was more interested in my studies of NLP, rather than my Life Coach training. Mr. X too believed that words can heal.

Do our thoughts influence our physiology?

Even back then, I knew that our thoughts influence our physiology. The body’s health is due to its biochemistry. Every spare moment, I studied and researched the effects of hormones on our physiology. For example, happy thoughts release dopamine, which makes us feel good. Serotonin reduces depression. Endorphins, make us happy and thus help reduce physical pain. Words heal because specific, well-chosen words can deliver a gush of positive and helpful hormones into your body.

My coaching training had me asking Mr. X lots of questions. I discovered his beliefs about his health. I found the neurological associations he created from significant events in his life. The language patterns dominated his life and health. The self-sabotaging stories he continued to tell himself and then I designed a program for him. As the weeks progressed so did he. His symptoms, little by little reduced. Until finally to our astonishment. He became completely symptom-free and remains so today. I’ll explain the key components to shift your thinking to improve your health. Soon we were helping people from all over the world. We helped more people with MS. Then came those with chronic fatigue. Sleep disorders. Depression. Anxiety. Anger issues and resentments.

We helped clients with deep personal issues that persisted for years. Then they resolved their issues from a handful of sessions to their delight.

Can our words shrink tumors?

Then came those with the BIG life-challenging issues. The big C – Cancer. To our surprise, we started to see positive results. Clients who were advised by professionals that they had mere months to live – outlived their tumors. Their tumors shrunk and their cancer went into remission. To improve your health you must first acknowledge that your thoughts create things. Your thoughts and associated emotions of the past have delivered your present situation. So to heal, you must shift your thinking. Don’t blame anyone or yourself. Resentment of any sort is unhelpful to your health. But first, let me take you back to the foundation of this body of work. Back in the 19th century, let me introduce you to Emile Coue’. A French psychologist, pharmacist, and hypnotherapist. Coue’ introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion.

Coue’ became the pioneer of the affirmation technique and the placebo effect. He helped hundreds of patients in North America and Europe. How? By teaching them to repeat an affirmation each morning and evening. Coue’s affirmation, “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” helped patients with spectacular results. His patients’ conscious minds soon believed what they were saying. Repetition builds belief.

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Napoleon Hill earlier, stated, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, it Can Achieve.” I came to realise that my client’s beliefs were the key to their language patterns. Their language patterns was a byproduct of their thinking. And their thinking derived from their beliefs. If you can improve a person’s beliefs, you unlock the door to release one’s biochemistry to create a state of health. Washing the body with healthy hormones, with healthy thinking so to speak. You have an incredible ability within your own mind to heal. Words can heal you.

How can hypnotic healing audios help accelerate your healing?

Specific and healthy thinking can activate parts of the brain such as your pituitary gland. This chiefly releases a human growth hormone which is important for growth, cell regeneration, and cell reproduction. HGH helps to maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other organs.

To get started on your own healing journey and to get beyond your limits, comparatively, you must think as if you are already beyond them. Imagine yourself healing as you sleep. Hypnotic Healing or Medicinal Meditations can help you enormously – and you’ll see hundreds of affordable healing audios that can help you on healing journey on our website.

Start listening to one audio each night just before you sleep for 7 days before moving on to the next audio. Accordingly, you should notice small or significant shifts. Each day take notes about how you are feeling and your recovery and healing. As Peter Drucker said, “You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” Become the master of your health – because you can.

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