Marketing Incubator: How To Make It Rain Money By Improving Knowledge Of Marketing
Dear Friend,
Let me introduce you to our Marketing Incubator where you will learn how to market your coaching programs and online courses with heart that will ultimately deliver new streams of income. If you want to live the rare lifestyle of having both time AND money I have something really special for you.
Would you like to capitalize on a veraciously expanding online course market? One that is likely to eclipse US$320 Billion a year? Marketing Incubator can show you how. Perhaps you want to learn how to get your first coaching clients and build a stream of leads?
When you get get access to the formula and templates, you will discover how you can instantly help people all over the world with online courses and coaching. If you get that helping as many people as you can, to get what they want, actually helps you get what you want? Then these are the most important words you will ever read.
People have often ask me how I have made millions from teaching and coaching and this is my unique formula. My how.
In this course, I will share with you the exact system I use that make my clients happy to continually invest thousands and thousands of dollars to learn from me or have me coach them to success.
Of course, you don’t have to sell what I sell. The important thing is that by mastering my proven marketing formulas and techniques your courses and coaching will become so valuable that you could make what I make, or more, if you wanted to.
Marketing Incubator gives you all the tools and training you need to sell coaching and courses online to create massive financial breakthroughs in your life.
Plus this program helps you to deliver enormous value into your clients’ and students’ lives. You will walk away from this ultra-powerful program with the rare ability to reclaim your time and your life, and deliver insightful, helpful and for some, transformational content that helps your emerging tribe and perhaps even the world.
Ever Wonder If You’re Really Good Enough
To Be A High Income Earner…?
I certainly did! I used to think I needed to have the perfect mind, be super-productive and have super sales ability in order to dare to call myself ‘successful’ let alone a ‘successful educator’ or a ‘leader in coaching’.
The truth is, I’ve been blessed with most of that ‘stuff’ now, but along the way I realised that you don’t need any of that to attract students and clients from all over the world.
It’s not how amazing your life is externally that people pay for: It’s how amazing your mindset and knowledge is INTERNALLY that attracts all of those things, and lets clients and students know that you’re the person who can turn their life or business around or at least, add value to their lives. I’m sure that together we can extract from you, something that you have that can be of a huge benefit to others.
So, how do you create the kind of incredible sales that makes you one of the most powerfully attractive people on the planet…?

It took me almost 4 years and numerous failures to master selling online courses and coaching, but for the last 15 years I have finally perfected my marketing systems. I want to share my 19 years of expertise with you today.
Now, you too can join the online entrepreneurs and put your courses and coaching out to the world so that millions of people can be helped by you. Inside the Marketing Incubator, you’ll find 10 modules of in-depth video training lessons along with a comprehensive and instructional Manual, Worksheets, Templates, Tricks, Tips, Hacks and Audio Files.
Creating online courses and coaching programs gave me my life back and it can give you much more – let me show you how…
Here’s Why Marketing Incubator Is The Most Comprehensive Marketing Course You Will Ever See!
Discover how to position yourself and capitalize on the 2025 projected online course market of $320 Billion-Dollar per year and how even a small .001 percent of the market can net you a $3.2 Million annual income (even if you have never run courses before).
Learn the “10 Foolproof Steps To Launch Your Online Income Incubator” to make planning, designing and producing your online course a simple and complete success system for building income while you sleep (you can even do this without selling or marketing your course at all – ever!) This is a power key to our Income Incubator and is the fuel to how online courses will make you rich.
PLUS! Get the “Blue List – Insider Secrets Top-Selling Online Courses List” to find out what are the HOTTEST selling courses, their student numbers, prices, revenues generated and links to course content and use our guide to find out which are the best courses for you to build.
Find out how you can create courses without spending one cent on equipment by using a laptop, PC or a tablet and a host of free online resources that are simple and easy to use. This way anyone can generate their own Income Incubator and create online courses that make you rich.
For those who want to turn this into their primary income, discover everything you need to know to turn your knowledge into an income producing business. Discover how to finance your lifestyle with online courses and get the equipment list that we use to create high quality, professional courses that attract students from all around the globe and have made us millions.
How to ‘foolproof’ your course so that your course almost sells itself. Most people just get a course idea, only to discover that it won’t work after it’s built. Let us show you how to massively reduce risk and remove the guesswork altogether to ensure that your course is a roaring success.
Discover how the most profitable businesses in the world massively reduce their risk by following “The Proven 5-Step Sales System” to build super-high demand for your courses and delivers high-converting prospects that will snap up your course in an instant.
Learn from the copywriting gurus, how to write magnetic teaser copy that helps you to build large bankable lists of enthusiastic buyers that are excited to purchase your course the moment it’s ready to buy. This module alone makes this course massively valuable as you can use these same skills with anything that you do.
Find out why Dr. Jeffrey Lant was right and how to engage your prospects so that when you’re ready, you can promote your course without sleazy sales tactics and have your prospects flocking to buy.
Get our Million-Dollar-Webinar Template that is simple to follow and has made us millions of dollars again and again. Simply add your details and you will have a recipe for financial success that you can use again, and again, and again. This is another Power Key of our system to create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich.
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I’m ready to enjoy a whole new level of income!
“Before doing this course I was stuck spinning my wheels trying to get online. This got me past the fork in the road and helped me to flesh out my course. Now I’m easily producing content and it’s now my turn to enjoy a whole new level of income, and freedom” – Matt Tait, Fork In Road Coaching, Victoria Australia[/ultimate_ctation]
Learn how to quickly map out your course content using the fast-track content building models from the Online Training Masters. This will have you map out and plan your content in minutes, rather than weeks or even months which is typically the time it takes for most people.
Develop ‘Outcome-Based’ courses that become highly marketable and sell while you sleep. The reason that many people have tried and failed in the online course space is for this very reason. You will however, will learn how to do it right the first time.
Learn how make your courses juicy and your content titles so enticingly desirable that students enroll in droves from all over the world. Here you will learn some key marketing insights that you can use in your copywriting and advertising that will make a huge difference to your results.
Discover the “3 Levels of Training Retention” to make sure that your content is a powerful neurological installation that goes deep into your students’ memories to ensure that your students maximise retention.
How to build your course sequences to develop a powerful “Product Funnel” that ultimately builds layers of learning that takes your students to the highest levels of expertise possible and turns your courses into a six or seven-figure business.
Discover a delivery platform that sells your courses for you and has over 50 million students. For those who don’t want to have to market or sell their online courses, there are large platforms that can do this for you. We’ll show you how to get content ready and what you must know to prosper. This is by far the easiest way to create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich.
Software, Plugins or Platforms – which is the best delivery device for your courses? Marketplace versus hosting your own content. Discover the pros and cons of hundreds of course delivery methods. We uncover their hidden fees and charges, and commissions and show you which ones to avoid and which ones to embrace, and why. This alone will save hundreds of hours of painful research.
We uncover the earning potential of online courses via organic sales, promotional sales and affiliate sales and which method will suit your personality (there is no one method that suits everyone).
We examine the “Blue List – Insider Secrets Top-Selling Online Courses List” to find the hottest selling courses to help you to follow a successful model. This covers courses in Marketing, Self-Development, Health and Fitness, Business, Lifestyle, Academics and Teacher Training.
Discover the three script-writing styles and find out which one suits your personality best. In this module you will learn how to structure your scripts so that your content remains ‘sticky’ and you gain the full attention of your students at all times.
How to look natural and be relaxed in front of the camera. Learn how to speak to the camera like an old friend using bullet-points, scripts or PowerPoint or Keynote like an autocue. We will have you looking like a professional in no time.
Discover the three filming styles and find out which one you are most comfortable doing. Not everyone wants to be filmed and not everyone wants to speak to graphics. We will show you how anyone can present content with style and finesse, be you an extrovert or introvert.
Find out how you can produce high quality courses without spending a fortune on equipment. We will show you how to create top-end courses using professional, yet affordable recording equipment, right down to using nothing but a PC, tablet or phone to record your content. Anyone can produce courses, regardless of your financial position.
Get all the hot tips to create film and record, including using green screens, lighting tips and tricks, plus where and why to use make-up. You’ll learn how to frame and edit your content that will have you producing like a pro that has most people become addicted to course production.
How to define your ideal end-user and elicit your TARGET MARKET’s pain points and aspirational or simple pleasures. This is one of the most bankable elements of this module. When you follow our formula and get this right, this takes courses from average to awesome results.
Uncover the MARKETING MAGIC used by the top earners, by learning how to ‘sweeten the cheese’ so your copy fires off your markets emotional triggers. These insights alone generate sale after sale after sale. It’s the difference between hearing crickets and a cacophony of kachinging!.
Discover the two most emotional motivating factors that get sales every time and how to use these in your marketing to best-effect. You will start to realize by this stage, that this course is way underpriced for all the gold that you will get. Let us help you to get this so that you can create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich.
Did you know that 80 percent of success is in your headlines and titles? Learn the “Three Filters To Headline Heaven.” This system is exclusive to Life Beyond Limits. It is a system that we have perfected over almost 20 years of marketing courses. This simple system will show you how to create great headlines and course titles that rock! Anyone can do this!
Discover the “6 BANKABLE BRIDGES THAT FORM A COMPELLING OFFER” that gets people off the fence and into your programs. In this module you will learn how to create an offer that’s exciting. You will learn how to create extra products, services and offerings that become the BONUS BEDROCK that makes your offers rock solid. This is the third key Power Key to create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich.
We will reveal to you the KEY COMPONENT OF AN OFFER that increases the number of courses that you sell by up to 300 percent! Omit this one vital component out of your marketing at your peril – and so many do. This one module is every marketers dream as we reveal so many tips that create MIRACULOUS MARKETING MAGIC!
We uncover the VALUE of TESTIMONIALS and how you can get them before you even sell your course! You will learn how to get testimonials, how to write testimonials that REMOVE OBJECTIONS and how to educate your best customers to write your BEST TESTIMONIALS!
Setting your FINANCIAL GOAL is one component that most leave out of their course building strategy, yet it is key to creating a true life-style business. Get our “8 Steps To The Cash Register” formula to get a strategy to get off the 9 to 5 hamster wheel and starting a life of freedom.
How to SET YOUR PRICE to ensure you get more students and you meet your financial goals. There are specific formulas to ensure that you pick the best price for your course. Getting this wrong not only means you get ‘crickets,’ but it also has you failing at making any money at all. Get our “MAGIC PRICE FORMULA” for picking the best price point possible.
Get a Super Successful Sales Page Template and get sales copy formulas that work every time! Not only will you get what you need for your sales page, you will also learn the success formula that golden crowned copywriters use.
Discover how to create your own cheap but cheerful graphics, instead of having to pay thousands of dollars to graphic designers. We will show you have you can create great graphics for your website, printed material and sales pages in a snap!
Discover the “6 KEY ELEMENTS OF A COMPELLING OFFER” that gets people off the fence and into your programs. In this module you will learn how to create an offer that’s exciting. You will learn how to create extra products, services and offerings that become the BONUS BEDROCK that makes your offers rock solid.
We will reveal to you the KEY COMPONENT OF AN OFFER that increases the number of courses that you sell by up to 300 percent! Omit this one vital component out of your marketing at your peril – and so many do. This one module is every marketers dream as we reveal so many tips that create MIRACULOUS MARKETING MAGIC! This is the fourth power key create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich.
We uncover the VALUE of TESTIMONIALS and how you can get them before you even sell your course! You will learn how to get testimonials, how to write testimonials that REMOVE OBJECTIONS and how to educate your best customers to write your BEST TESTIMONIALS!
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You’ll be making money while you sleep!
“This course takes you by the hand, over every single step in delightful detail, to create, build and market your online courses. Even if you have never built a single course and believe you are not good at the techie stuff and especially if you don’t have the financial resources right now. You will soon be able to produce content and share your knowledge all around the world and making money while you sleep!” – Akiko Kawakami, Get Things Done Coach, Victoria Australia[/ultimate_ctation]
Discover how to IMPROVE your financial mindset so that making more money in your life is no longer a biggie. Your mindset is going to be the only barrier to success, so we decided to add this module to help you to get the right mindset that sets you up for success and only success. This is one of our most powerful Power Keys to create your own Income Incubator and generate online courses that make you rich. Your mindset is EVERYTHING! Think like a multi-millionaire my friend – and you will become one!
Crossing T’s and dotting i’s to make certain that you’re ready to go and place your online courses out into the BIG wide world so that you can start making money while you sleep.
Discover the most powerful promotional tips to make sure that your course is seen by the largest number of eyes possible. This is more marketing gold where you will learn some key marketing insights that you can use in any business to grow it’s bottom-line.
THE BIG Q’s AND A’s SESSION so you can ask any unanswered questions to help you to ensure that your courses are positioned to help you to meet your largest financial goals. No questions are off limits as we want to ensure that you succeed in the BIGGEST way possible.
If you would like to learn how to build your own Income Incubator by creating online courses that make you rich, then click the button below to get immediate access to the Online Income Incubator: Online Courses Made Simple today.
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or arrange a Simple Pay of just 6 Payments of $197 per month by emailing our Event Director or by clicking here.