Wealth Mindset: Wealth wasn’t meant to be hard, it’s hard-wired

Wealth Mindset: Wealth wasn’t meant to be hard, it’s hard-wired

rich mindA wealth mindset is a contentious issue for most, though my question to you today is simple. Is wealth hard or is it hard-wired into your mindset?

If I took a stab in the dark and asked you what your greatest frustration is when it comes to creating wealth. Would you say something like, “I can’t seem to earn enough.” Though I bet few would say, “I’m just not hard-wired for wealth?” The latter of course is correct. Wealth is a set of do’s and don’ts, but most miss that those behaviours are found in a wealth mindset.

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A Life Beyond Limits: Some questions and answers

A Life Beyond Limits: Some questions and answers

a life beyond limits book

How do you create a life beyond limits? This is a conversation about wealth between Rik Schnabel and Simon Shields after Simon read Rik’s book, “A Life Beyond Limits.” We thought you might find this interesting and revealing…

 Is wishing to be wealthy a good thing?

Simon says: I would like to have a genuine passionate desire to be wealthy. The idea is growing on me. I understand now the reason why wanting wealth is natural and healthy. Though I never thought of it like that before. With a little more reading of your book, I feel that my desire for wanting more of life will come. Read more