Can you actually decide your destiny? It sounds like a bit of oxymoron. If it’s your destiny, how can you decide it? Or do we have a destiny at all, is anything in life preordained? Let’s just for the purpose of providing a bit of a compass here, let’s assume you do have a destiny, let’s call it a “convenient belief.”
Could you have decided your destiny even before you were born? What if you decided what you needed to learn and besides the journey, you also decided the mishaps, the falls, the problems, the crisis and all the hardships along the way. What if by having these challenges we evolve our spirit along the way?
So let’s look at how we can decide what destiny to choose? This is often called our “Why” and in WealthClub for instance, we have a saying, “Create a why that makes you cry generates the fuel to fly”.
Create a WHY That Makes You Cry.
Socrates and one of his students were strolling near a fountain one day and the student asked Socrates, “How can I become as wise as you?” Without warning, Socrates grabbed the student and pushed his head into the fountain and under the water. The student struggled to break free from his grip and quickly ran out of air. Socrates released his grip and the student recoiled from the water, gasping for air. When the student caught his breath, Socrates asked, “When your head was under the water, what was the thing you wanted most?” “Air!” the student answered, “All I wanted was air.” Socrates continued, “When your desire to be as wise as I is as strong as your desire for air, then nothing will stop you.” Socrates’ lesson, while brutal, is a brilliant demonstration of the driver behind all realised dreams; passion or your “Why”. Without a why, life has no meaning, no focus, no power; your life becomes routine, meaningless, unconscious and numb. By engaging your why, you activate your energy. When you identify your why you connect to a greater source and create such energy that it recruits the interest of others and stirs the Universe to support your efforts to make it real.
Your deeper ‘why’ will lead you to your destiny.
When I think about my daughters Zoe and Sienna, and about how much they and my family means to me, I can easily well up. Everything I do for a living, all my success helps my girls to have a great education, an entertaining life and creates more choices for them. What’s more, the better I become the better role model I become for my children and those around me. After all, we know that its not what you say, but what you do that provides the brightest light for all to see. Here’s a clue – Create a why that’s bigger than you and you will generate such enormous support and energy around it, that you will truly move mountains.
When I receive the thank you’s in emails, letters (yes some people still write them) and text messages from my students, clients and audiences these are almost enough to make me cry. Though understand, that it took my 7 years of resistance to move into my current why. My current why? That’s right, you can have many whys and you can have whys at different times of your life. In my view, too many people look for an ultimate why not realising that one why can lead to another. I’ll give you an example.
I started in advertising because I was both creative and had a huge fascination about how the mind worked. I started reading psychology books at the age of 7 – little did I know they were psychology books and I would suggest I didn’t fully understand what I was reading. So in my adolescence I found myself in my first why – The Advertising industry.
Then my fascination moved me to marketing as my interest grew into social psychology and human and group behavior – again my why changed. Then I moved into sales as I decided that I needed to learn to understand people at a deeper level, not from research and media behavior, but at close quarters – one on one. I found myself so much closer to people and I discovered that I was a problem solver and I had been one all along. I discovered myself. Now I had to elevate my why because I saw myself now not just helping one person, or two but helping the masses but reaching them like I was talking to each one, one on one. I found my deepest love. It did not happen overnight, but like the ad says, “…it will happen”. While it might sometimes seem like your not in flow or on your path, trust that eventually (hopefully in this lifetime) you’ll discover your path. Though understand that this journey should be led by your heart and not your head. Yes, we do have a “heart brain” too.
Your heart is your compass, your head works out how to get there.
You will never decide your destiny by thinking about it. You will likely feel it instead. If you decided to follow your intuition for just a day and listened and responded to it each time you intuited something, you will get better and better at hearing your own inner compass. Have you seen the latest Jim Carey movie, “Yes Man.” In the movie, Carey’s character Carl is having some challenges, his life is not going so well. He’s been working in the bank forever, in the same job, with the same routine that’s boring him to oblivion. He avoids change at all cost and say’s “No” to everything. Until an enthusiastic friend corners him and escorts him to a self-help seminar. There he has him commit to say “Yes” to life. His life immediately changes and starts to look up. In fact, opportunities open up for him everywhere. Following your intuition, is like saying “Yes” to your inner guidance system and it can be the most empowering process of enlightenment. Try it and let me know how you go.
Here’s your challenge – should you choose to accept it.
Here are some questions that often help individuals to discover their why. If your why is important enough to you – consider putting aside some time now to answer these questions.
Think about anything that you could be doing in life to advance you or others around you and notice the feelings that arise. Close your eyes and really imagine it or at least get a sense of it.
Consider answering these 3 powerful questions:
- If you went back 1,000 years ago – How many people were born in order for you to be here?
- Consider all the people who were born in order for you to be here and ask yourself, “What legacy did they leave?”
- The final question is this. What legacy will you leave?
Whatever you do, understand the value of your why and you’ll add the necessary fuel to have you find your wealth. Wallace Wattles will also provide another number of keys to wealth. He created pure insight and demonstrated his connectedness to a higher source when he wrote “The Science of Getting Rich” – If you would like to download your free copy – simply Click Here it’s great reading and I highly recommend it.