The conscious versus the unconscious

istock 000004802924largeIn our lives, we experience significant emotional events of which we make decisions to become sad, angry, blameful, guilty or even fearful as a result of them. Yeah, yeah; I can hear you saying I didn’t decide to be sad or angry or to have blame, guilt or fear! Yes you did. The moment you can’t or won’t deal with an issue is the time that negative emotions result and they don’t go away, they’re stored in our body and our mind and if you have too many of these, this is where people get stuck in life.

If we do not finalise our emotions surrounding negative events or more importantly resolve them, we will then store them in a part of us that we call the ‘Unconscious’. I’ll explain more about the unconscious in a moment. By suppressing our emotions it’s like we place them in a jar somewhere and tuck the emotions away in the pantry or the shed and we forget about them, consciously. We don’t forget them really, we store them in a time line in our unconscious mind. Trust me; this will make more sense as we put all these pieces together. So to summarise thus far; we experience a negative event and we make a decision what to do or not do about it and it goes into our unconscious mind. So let’s talk a little bit about time and our time line.

When we talk about ‘Time’ and specifically how we as people store the past, the present and the future in our mind then we are talking about a ‘Time Line’. Our brain stores time sequentially in order for us to know the difference between what we did yesterday and what we did last year. So where does our brain store this information? Our brain stores memories of the past in the unconscious which of course was once called the ‘subconscious’ until researchers realised that the subconscious was not subservient to the conscious mind, in fact it’s the other way around.

‘The unconscious mind’ has been determined by some researchers to represent about 95% of our mind. In other words the unconscious controls about 95% of our actions and non-actions. It is the part that breathes us, blinks us, heals us and protects us instinctively. Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel a negative emotion and don’t know why you’re feeling it? It’s due to the unconscious as one of its jobs is to repress negative emotions and presents it back to you consciously from time to time until you resolve the issue. The unconscious mind can process simultaneously multitasks and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it never sleeps. It also decides what to do with the information it receives, whether to distort it, generalise it or delete it. Ahh! ‘Delete’ it I hear you say! Yes! Didn’t I tell you that you can delete old emotions and negative events so that issues of the past are completely resolved? It all comes down to a very simple process we teach in our NLP Practitioner Training called, “Time Line”.

Did you know that the major reason you can’t find success in some areas of your life or cannot resolve issues of the past is due to residual emotions stored in your unconscious? For example; just days before writing this, we were running our Speaking with Confidence Training, where we take people who want to find their passion and purpose and we teach them how to vocalise it, express it and commercialise it by learning how to speak from the platform to audiences of one or one thousand. One of the most vital roles we play is removing old and negative conditioning and decisions of the past. I call it the “I’m toos….” You know what I mean, “I’m too dumb, I’m too weak, I’m too unworthy, I’m too uninteresting, I’m too boring, I’m too ugly – I’m sure you get the idea. These are all related to issues of the past and get in the way of our success and typically show up as self-sabotage and in-action and certainly frustration for those who don’t know any other way to resolve these issues other than ploughing through them. At the end of our Presenters Training, everyone gets rid of their baggage of the past and gets up in front of an audience and presents their passion or their talk. Did you know that fear of public speaking is the number one source of apprehension in the United States. This was first pointed out in a survey of 3000 Americans by the Sunday Times of London in 1973. The findings have been verified by countless other surveys and studies in subsequent years. The Times survey found that 41% of the respondents listed “fear of public speaking” as their number one fear, while 19% listed “death.” I’m sure it’s similar in Australia and most countries around the world. In my mind, if we can take people who fear public speaking ahead of death, then I believe that anything is possible. So if you want to create a Life Beyond Limits, commit to removing negative attachments to the past and you’ll be able to do more, be more and create more.

Sometimes people feel like they’re guessing when they speak from their unconscious or listen to it, and that is normal. Perception is projection so it is impossible for you to project something, which you haven’t already learned or know at some deeper level.

The bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind is called your Intuition. Use and respect the wisdom of your intuition and you will find that it will provide some amazing new insights and options for you. The Conscious vs. The Unconscious

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