Better Questions Lead You to a Better Life

ask better questions

Your life, career, business or anything for that matter improves when you ask better questions. Though is it really that simple?

First, you need to understand that questions cause your unconscious mind to answer. Your unconscious mind cannot resist answering your questions.

Go ahead. Try it right now. Ask yourself, “Why do I have an itchy scalp?” and soon enough you will feel to scratch your itch. Be patient, not now, but in a moment you will feel to itch your scalp or somewhere else on your body. But don’t scratch it right now, you’ve got this finish this article.

If you’re feeling a little unsettled right now, you should be, because you asked an unsettling question. Though instead, get excited. Because the quality of your questions can improve the quality of your life.

Did you know that your entire life is made up of the questions you ask yourself on a daily basis.

Ask, “Why am I so busy all the time?” and your mind will soon deliver all the reasons, but it won’t give you more time. Ask a better question, “How can I get an extra 30 minutes of ‘me time’ each day?” and your wish may may soon be granted.

Want more time or more money? Ask a better question!

Making money and lots of it is easy when you know how. I can tell you right here and now that anyone who has mastered money will concur that asking better questions will lead you there. Ask better questions and your financial world will never be the same! Avoid them and you will feel the ups and downs in the pit of your stomach of a financial rollercoaster.

Last Friday morning, I looked out my kitchen window. It was a glorious sunny day. I was staring at the ideal conditions for the perfect wave. I sprinted downstairs to grab my surfboard and head off to my favourite break. Hoping to beat a crowded line-up.

When I got to the beach no-one was enjoying those perfect waves. It was just me. Finally, it dawned on me. It wasn’t the weekend, it was Friday — a workday. Everyone was working while I enjoyed a perfect day, with perfect waves – but life wasn’t always perfect.

It was only a few years ago that I was working feverishly at my clinic, six days a week as a Life Coach. Day in, day out I untrained my clients’ brains. Most of my day was spent changing people’s minds. Untraining their brains of anxiety. Helping them to remove the dross of depression. Showing them richer ways to think to make more money. My clinic was choc-a-block, brimming with clients when I hit an amazing sweet spot with my business.

I specialised in wealth coaching and easing depression and worked from 7am to 7pm most days. Some nights I would work until midnight. While my friends lit barbeques and shared an ale. Others kicked back on the sofa watching TV after a hard day at the office.

I won’t say I wasn’t envious. Though I was working for something bigger — I looked further than most. The wealth mentors that I assigned to myself gave me insights that were worth far more than the money I paid them. They are the very reason I’m sharing this with you right now. My mentors are why I can go surfing while the large majority must go to work.

So, before I share their wisdom with you, let me prepare you like my wealth mentors prepared me. You see, financial success is all in the preparation. Before working with my mentors, they each said the same thing. They must have all had the same mentors.

Paul, my short but confident mega-millionaire mentor would start each session by asking me questions. At first, they frustrated me to no end. He says it’s the reason I no longer have hair. I would ask Paul a question and nine out of ten times, he would say, “Ask a better question.” Can you see why it was frustrating at first? But he was right. Most people can’t create anything much because they have no idea of what question to ask in the first instance. I get it now.

As I said, back in 2012, I was crazy busy. I was coaching, speaking, training, writing and rarely having much time for myself. I asked one question that at first I couldn’t answer, but eventually, I did. That question?

How can I make even more money and only work 4 days a week?

Today, I live on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales. I surf. I play music and I work four days a week. Am I making more money? A little more, but I’m much happier.

A business owner asks, “How can I grow my business?” Today I would say, “Ask a better question.” I’ve earned my stripes now; I can ask those infuriating questions. “How can I grow my business?” tells me nothing and so how can I provide advice? A better question might be, “Who can help me to get more people to call me about my services?” or “Who is the best person at getting traffic to my website?”

Over the years I’ve found that rich people stick at things for long enough. Long enough that their knowledge about their industry, their intimacy with their product or service goes deep. This only comes from asking a better, more specific and less generalised question.

Otherwise, akin to asking, “How are you?” and getting the standard one-syllable answer, “Good.” Asking a better question causes our minds to dig deeper, to think deeper.

So it’s time to think.

What’s a better question?

What is the one question that you haven’t asked yourself, that should you ask it… will have you double, treble, even ten-tuple your income?

What’s that question?

Answering better questions creates the opportunity to solve your bigger problems. Solving bigger problems will have you build a bigger life. What challenge are you facing right now? What question could you answer that would remove the problem altogether?

R!k Schnabel is Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer


Rik is The Brain Untrainer with over 38,000 brain untraining hours. He is a master of helping his clients create a life beyond limits and is a multiple best-selling author, a world-class Master NLP Trainer, a leading Life Coach and Life Coach trainer, a radio host and a passionate and articulate force for good in the world. R!k’s books include: “A Life Beyond Limits,” “7 Beliefs That Will Change Your Life,” “ROAR! Courage – From Fear To Fearless,” “The Life Coach Millionaires,” “A Richer Way to Think” and “5x5 To Thrive.” Need some help or advice? Visit:

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