Be an Influential Confident Communicator in 7 Simple Steps

Be an Influential Confident Communicator in 7 Simple Steps

Brown haired woman talking to her interviewers in bright office – Confident Communicator

Are you a confident communicator? Did you know that the moment a stranger notices you, they decide who you are? Their brain makes 11 major decisions and a multitude of computations. Are you safe? Can you be someone to trust or avoid? Do you have status or authority? Could you be a potential intimate partner? Are you competent? Will you be friend or foe? Do you come across as selling, compelling or repelling? As a confident communicator, these are things you must know or be relegated down the social order.

Your listeners’ unconscious computations decide who you are at lightening speed. Researchers from New York University Graduate School of Business found a startling fact. They discovered that we make eleven major conclusions in seven seconds.

We make 11 major decisions about a person in 7 seconds

First impressions can attract or repel. Get it wrong and you’ll soon discover the cost. You cannot stop people from making instant decisions about you. Though you can help them to see you in a favourable way. A confident communicator knows that one of the greater influencers are our non-verbal cues. Studies have found that non-verbal cues are over four times more powerful. More influential than anything you say.

7 Keys to be an Influential Confident Communicator

1. Adjust your attitude. We seek out attitude in milliseconds. Before you go anywhere or do anything, adjust your attitude. Before you enter a meeting or do a presentation or catch up with a friend or client. Make a conscious choice about the attitude you want to completely embody. Say to yourself, “Right now, I’m deciding to be problem solver.” Then completely embody who you think a great problem solver is. We often think in archetypes and identities, so shift yours to be the best you can be and be that confident communicator.

2. Smile. This one decision sends a cacophony of signals to whoever you approach. While it’s a no-brainer, so often we forget to do this one simple thing. A smile is an invitation that says, “I’m friendly, helpful and come in peace.”

Can Eye-Contact Make All The Difference?

3. Make eye contact. If we look into the eyes of the person we’re about to meet sends a signal that says, “I’ve got nothing to hide”. Looking at someone’s eyes indicates interest and openness.

4. Raise your eyebrows. This is a universal sign of recognition and acknowledgement. You’ll see this as a typical behaviour among friends when they first spot each other from afar. You can do this by opening your eyes a little more than normal and you’ll create an “eyebrow wave.”

5. Straighten your posture. Nothing says confident communicator more than posture. It’s the non-verbal boost to trust. Lift your sternum (breast bone) a few centimeters. Not only will you look more confident, you will also feel more confident. Standing tall, pulling your shoulders back a little and holding your head straight is key. It sends a raft of signals including confidence and competence.

6. Shake hands. Did you know that in the context of rapport, a single handshake is equal to three hours of interaction?

7. Lean in. Uniquely and powerfully, leaning forward shows that you’re engaged and interested. Most people like us to be about one to two feet away. Yet those who are more kinesthetic prefer us to be little closer and in business, I would suggest a two foot rule. Regardless, leaning forward shows that you’re engaged and interested.

Finally, the quality of our relationships are the difference that makes the difference. Being a confident communicator helps others to feel more comfortable in your presence, creates long lasting relationships. Ignoring these skills means you risk eliciting fear or a lack of trust in others. Worse, it can send a signal that says something’s not right here.

The 11 Major Decisions Keys

Not surprisingly, 7 Seconds is all it takes to decide to buy from someone or run for the hills. Our human need for safety will have us judge at every opportunity. Here are the 11 decisions we make in 7 seconds.

1. Education level
2. Economic level
3. Perceived credibility and believability
4. Trustworthiness
5. Level of sophistication
6. Sexual identification
7. Level of success
8. Political background
9. Religious background
10. Ethnic background
11. Social and professional desirability

R!k Schnabel is Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer and teaches company executives how to be a confident communicator. He is a Master NLP and Life Coach trainer, Coach and an international, multi-best-selling author with Life Beyond Limits.

Why few dreams come true and how you can beat the odds

Why few dreams come true and how you can beat the odds


Dreams come true by R!k Schnabel – July 7, 2022

Dreams come true


Make your dreams come true.

How do we realise our dreams and make our dreams come true? As children growing up, we all got ideas in our heads about who we wished to become or what we desired to achieve.

While some of us dreamt of owning fast cars, yachts or other aspirational status symbols. The rest had simpler dreams. A happy marriage or to pay off our mortgage before retirement.

Though recent statistics tell us that many of us fall well short to make dreams come true.

Regardless of how grand or simple our dreams were, our life is the net sum total of our self-esteem. Better said, “Our lives are the sum total of our unconsious programming.” A fact you are soon to discover.

As we get older we, most of us experience our first heart break. As our dreams go up in flames on receiving our first reality check. The job we didn’t get. The income we never achieved. The house we will never buy all become the aged photos that peal off our vision boards.

I once thought that the majority of people achieve their dreams. Afterall, as a Brain Untrainer, the large majority of my clients get what they want – but I was wrong.

I had to do more research. I found a disturbing study by Wealth Research Group. The reason why most people don’t make dreams come true. The study found that 98 percent of people die without fulfilling their dreams.

After my horror. I decided to do more research to find some answers only to discover I was wrong again.

I knew the reason that most people don’t make dreams come true comes down to mindset. It is due to their unconscious programs that govern 90% of their behaviours. But according to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, that figure is now 95%!

While this is a horrifying fact, it makes simple your solution.

If you want make dreams come true, stop focusing only on strategies and heavy grunt work. Instead, get busy on changing your unconscious programming.

If you want to make your dreams come true, you need to get busy on changing your unconscious programming. Stop working hard and work smart. While strategies and work are always a key part to make your dreams come true, they’re not the full picture. A 98% failure rate is quite a reality check.

People often ask me, “Why is everyone getting a coach these days?” These in your face facts reveal the answer. 98 percent of people don’t achieve their dreams. 95 percent of our behaviours are unconscious. In other words, we do not make dreams come true consciously.

Dreams come true through altering our beliefs that stand in their way. Limiting fears and negative emotions are cancer to our dreams. These staggering statistics tell us why football teams need coaches. Why smart high level executives demand coaches as part of their packages. They know that they are going to need a coach to get beyond their conscious mind to achieve their goals.

Afterall, if you haven’t yet achieved a goal, the numbers suggest you won’t. But more importantly, your mindset says you won’t. Unless you get out of your mind and into some unconscious coaching or brain untraining.

—————– END ——————-

R!k Schnabel, is Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer with Life Beyond Limits is a transformational training and coaching company. Located on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales Australia.

We believe that everyone deserves a life beyond limits.”

Be Crazy to a be Success in Business

Be Crazy to a be Success in Business

By R!k Schnabel

To be a success in business is to do the abnormal or trying to be found is akin to a needle in haystack. When people think you are a weirdo or plain crazy – celebrate! Because crazy is what you need to be to be a success in business – let me prove it to you.

Back in 2000 I had this crazy idea. Build an online university! Most of my peers said I was crazy, yet their jaws dropped in disbelief when they saw our US$998 million EBIT! That’s success in business in my book.

Crazy is good. Crazy is the kind of thinking that launched companies like Apple, Amazon and Uber.

Aiming to be a success in business, in our careers, in our relationships is natural. We all want success. I do. You do. Your desire to grow is natural. It is normal. But climbing that metaphorical ladder to God knows where is far from normal. Think about it. Normal thought patterns give you normal behaviour. Businesses that succeed are anything but normal. Besides, normal thinking gets you the business or career that you currently have. That’s normal. But it is not growth and it is likely not what you want – right?

Can you remember the last time you started a new business or jumped into a new job? Now cast your mind back and begin to recall the contorted faces of your friends and family. Did they think you were crazy? Nuts? They even thought there was something wrong with you. That is how crazy success is to normal folk. They don’t get it.

Taking your business or career to the next level needs you to act as though you’re mad! And if you don’t believe me, congratulations you’re normal. But success is anything but fitting in.

To be a success in business, you need to learn to become comfortable with discomfort.

Walt Disney used to say that if everyone liked his idea, it wasn’t dangerous enough to succeed. He would change it. Acceptance and normal are not your friends in business. I learned that what we did yesterday, no longer works today. Old ideas are not your friends either. Crazy ideas are what most people will criticise you for, but they get attention. You must learn to become comfortable with discomfort and change.

Steve Jobs said, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” It was this level of change that made him fiercely unpopular with his Apple board. But it was Jobs’ desire for constant change, his madness is what made Apple who they are today.

The real success in business will at first sound crazy.

Success is crazy and illogical. In 2004, my mentor showed me how to create in a weekend, what most call ‘an annual income!’ The whole idea seemed crazy to me. He gave me a crazy golden formula. I remember, I used to go numb after hearing an idea that was bigger than me. It’s normal to feel fear.

My mentor had proven his system time and time again. His crazy idea worked! To be frank, it scared me senseless. Because I could not see myself in my mentor’s shoes. Though a bolt of lightning that ran through me when I realised my problem wasn’t trying to be normal. My problem was my inability to be crazy.

What I needed was coaching. But not your ordinary run of the mill coaching. I needed a neurological and behaviour specialist. Someone who could gain access to my neural pathways and clean out those thoughts to conform. I needed to change my software. Because who I had to become to get those same results that my mentor shared, wasn’t me. I knew, that until I became that person who followed my mentor’s advice… The success I wanted would elude me. The proof was in the pudding, the pudding was my brain. Success had eluded me for most of life already.

I got that coach. I changed how I thought and the price I paid came back to me a thousand-fold. Today, I value anyone who can untrain a brain to think like a winner – and win.

Do you want success, real success? Then stop aiming to be your normal self. Stop showing up as you and start showing up as the successful future you. But don’t think that you can get there on your own – because you won’t.

You’ll need a coach that challenges your current, normal thinking. I promise you, success starts when you start to realise where it begins – in your thinking.

—————– END ——————-

R!k Schnabel, is Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer with Life Beyond Limits is a transformational training company. Located on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales Australia, the company enjoys a global audience.

Is Overconfidence Good or Bad?

Is Overconfidence Good or Bad?

By Akiko Kawakami – December 11, 2019

Overconfidence is the tendency for people holding incorrect, overly optimistic views and failing to comprehend the limits of their own actual knowledge and abilities.  Research suggests distinguishing three different types of overconfidence: Overprecision, overestimation and overplacement.

3 categories of overconfidence and negative consequences

Overprecision is a type of behaviour where believing that one’s own judgments, predictions and decisions are more accurate than the reality without question or justification. One of the underlying causes of overprecision is human nature trying to resolve internal dissonance in a stressful situation. We could make low quality decisions or serious mistakes in getting things done because overprecision discourages us from listening to others, taking advice, or accepting different ideas and suggestions. Because of overprecision, you could implement the wrong strategies and never get things done.

Overestimation refers to a tendency to believe that one can be better/more capable/perform faster than true performance or ability, which is based on an absolute personal evaluation of one’s own performance, not anyone else’s. It is a common tendency as it is a good feeling to believe in yourself! Because of overestimation, we may enhance ourselves too positively instead of accurately, misunderstand the level of control we have therefore estimate the time and cost incorrectly for getting things done. One simple project, such as decluttering your wardrobe may be completed after costing more time and money than the original plan. Sounds familiar? Overestimation could throw us into the deep end if we believe we are capable of handling a risky situation or believe everything is under control when in reality it is not.

Overplacement is called better-than-average effect. As the name suggests, it is the term used when people believe they are better than others, which is an incorrect perception. Recent studies find evidence of underplacement, meaning people view themselves worse-than-average, particularly when you have so many things to do and you are overwhelmed. Both overplacement and underplacement occur due to a disregard of the accurate point of reference or standard to compare with. People who overplace themselves are highly unlikely to take advice from others, more eager to engage with competition and new ventures without consideration of the risks. People who underplace themselves would often miss a significant opportunity while they could have succeeded if only they had the courage to make decisions and take actions. It seems that both overplacement and underplacement are so extreme that we could be emotionally and/or financially damaged either by getting involved with unnecessary competition or missing opportunities to grow.

In sum, the analysis presented so far has made it clear that any type of overconfidence is harmful for optimal decisions to get things done and becomes a hurdle for us to be successful.

Benefits of overconfidence

In contrast, other studies provide evidence that overconfidence can be beneficial for our success. Johnson and Fowler state that “overconfidence can actually be advantageous on average, even if costly at times.” Research suggests that overconfidence is not only useful but essential to succeed in a competitive environment. Robinson and Marino confirm that overconfidence is connected with fast decision making in a dynamic environment thus new initiatives would never start without some level of overconfidence. In this case, overconfidence works as a motivator to achieve chosen outcomes regardless of the individual and the situation. Overplacement provides individuals with higher status and higher grades by colleagues even if the reason for confidence is unjustified. Those who believe they are better than others give an impression to other people that they are competent, capable of engaging with others and possess efficient interaction skills, all of which display leadership ability of an overconfident individual. Kennedy et al. conclude that benefits from overplacement are more significant than any possible costs. The analysis by Galasso and Simco indicates that CEOs with overprecision judge the failure probability lower than the actual. They are more innovative, particularly in competitive industries, and they are keen to bring new technology into organisations, that results in organisational success. Therefore positive impacts of overconfident CEOs may balance out the negative effects.

Is being overconfident the way to make fast decisions and get things done? Given both positive and negative outcomes, we now know that any type of overconfidence can be a two-edged sword.

How to overcome negative effects

Although overconfidence can be advantageous, sometimes we’d better assess our own beliefs and reality. When is the time for the reality check? Prior studies show that overconfidence can amplify results for the situation where one can influence outcomes. In that case, assessing our own beliefs and reality is recommended when it is impossible to control events. Helzer and Dunning suggest taking the third-person perspective and questioning the expected outcomes to be achieved by others will solve the negative effects of all types of overconfidence. It fills the gap between predicted and actual behaviour. Considering a possibility that we might be wrong and the reason why we could be wrong can help in adjusting our own judgment about confidence. Since over/underplacement occurs due to the lack of comparison or point of reference, having full information of the situation is helpful to avoid the negative effects of this bias. People with overprecision and overplacement are highly unlikely to take advice or suggestions from others. Establishing the systems to force us to consider perspectives of others or hypotheses can make us aware of the differences between our own beliefs and reality and assist us in avoiding the negative effects of overprecision and overplacement. For example, provide an explanation of our decision processes to the family and friends. We can establish our own systems which give us no option but to consider alternatives to defeat negative effects in making decisions to get things done.

Any challenge to get things done? Get coached by Akiko or attend Life Beyond Limits live/online training programs!

Beach or Bust – How To Create The Life Of Your Dreams

If you are not living the life of your dreams, then let me share how you can do that…

Today I’m sitting on another beach in Tugan, Queensland. I am literally living the life of my dreams right now. It’s a delightful 21 degrees. The sun is shining and the day is filled with the promise. I can do whatever I want.

How did I get here? How did I get off that endlessly spinning hamster wheel to create a life of freedom?

18 years ago, I was working in a busy office and had no idea how to create the life of my choosing. I’d been working for too long with the same old belief, that this is what people did. With crusty eyes, thinning hair and a look of bewilderment, I would wake-up at 6:30 am, stumble into the shower. Then after breakfast I brushed my teeth and hurriedly jumped into my car and into the bumper to bumper city traffic. Leaving home, just 5 minutes meant another 10 to 15 minutes stuck in traffic. This was not living the life of your dreams.

I was told it’s a part of the human race, but I was coming last.

Arriving in the office an hour and a half before I needed to was the norm. It was expected. Leaving work at 7 pm or sometimes 9pm was typical. Finally, at home around 10 pm in the evenings, I was too tired to do anything but have dinner and go to bed. On weekends, the highlight was a breakfast out somewhere and perhaps a zombie stroll through the Botanical Gardens. I was tired all the time yet, I had to appear like I was at least partially interested in what I was doing – but really, I just wasn’t. Life at the time, felt like I was dragging myself across a cheese grater. I used to think, “Is this what living is supposed to look like? Surely, there must be more to life?” I was a part of the human race and sadly, I was coming last. This was not living the life of your dreams.

The thoughts in my head weren’t pretty, but thankfully, no-one but me knew it. I had to start asking myself better questions, but I just wasn’t. It was actually my wife Rebecca who did.

It was a Saturday and I was laying on the couch waiting for my family to get themselves ready to go out for breakfast, thinking, “Another weekend and all I want to do is nothing but rest.” When my wife said, “You know how we love going to warm places near beaches on our holidays?” At which I agreed in a drone. She continued, “What if we started living that resort lifestyle now, instead of just on holidays?” To which I dejectedly replied, “How?”

Sometimes, when your energy is low, the last thing you want to do, is work out some complex or near impossible solution to an unfathomable outcome. I think you get where I was at. On reading my response, Rebecca began reciting some of our friends and even two of my mentors who had created freedom in their lives. She then set the challenge. She said, “You’re just as smart as they are, why don’t you just ask them how they did it?” Not a bad strategy, I thought. So I did and here is their advice, which I followed. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I decided that I’d had enough and from now on, it was going to be “Beach or Bust!” Let me share how I did that in 7 simple steps. Not easy steps, but simple to do. I did want to create the life of my dreams.

Here is how I created the life of my dreams.

STEP #1: Work out how much money you need to survive, not thrive.

Tony Frederick wasn’t just my best friend, he was also a clever man and mentor with a ‘can do’ attitude. I shared our idea with Tony and he said, “The first thing that you need to do is do the numbers. Work out how much money you need each month to survive, not thrive. Get rid of all of those needless expenses that are not needs, but wants. You know, the extravagances that are nice to have, but not necessary. Reduce your overheads so that financially, the transition is simple.” It was great advice and in the first month, I was shocked at how much more money we had in the bank. Tony said, “Build a financial buffer that might equate to about half a year of your normal income.”

STEP #2: Start researching a mobile business and study that business or get the skills you need.

These days, there are so many ways to make money, without having to go into an office or be located in the one spot. These days, you can search Google for “mobile business ideas” and you’ll get 800 million results. Now, I had completed my life coach training and I could coach anyone from anywhere to improve their life, all on Skype! That was truly a mobile business. (In fact, today from the beach, I’ll be coaching a client in China.) This is living the life of your dreams.

STEP #3: Start your mobile business now and keep your full-time job.

This was sensible advice. Tony suggested that I continue my job AND build my mobile business in the evenings and on the weekends. Sure, I was going to be one busy guy, but the mission after all, was “Beach or Bust.” Tony insisted that if it was a true mobile business, I would be able to create it from anywhere at any time. Life Coaching was perfect, because most of my clients wanted to work with me out of working hours.

STEP #4: Prove your product and master the marketing.

Starting a business is one thing and building your skill is another, and mastering getting clients or customers is something altogether unique as a set of skills. Now I was already a good marketer, however most of my skill was offline, not online. So I started some extra study to master the online game. (As a trainer of Life Coaches, I also built an online program to show coaches how to get clients and build a business with my Business of Life Coaching program). In just four steps, I was almost ready to launch my laptop lifestyle. But Tony suggested one more step.

STEP #5: Make a third of your current income in your new business and bank it as a business buffer.

In just 3 months, I had money coming from everywhere! I had my regular income and my business income coming in. I did what Tony suggested and I banked the money and built a buffer. After 6 months of starting my new venture, I was ready to quit my job. I remember it was March 2004. It was the first day of my life where I felt truly free. No bosses. No bureaucracy. No reports and I could design my business and my life, however I wanted.

It’s now October 2019 and I’m heading into my seventeenth year of freedom and you can too – if you want it? You just have to follow these five steps.

R!k Schnabel is Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer – if you want to achieve anything in your life that you haven’t been able to on your own – have a complimentary chat with R!k to see how he can help you.

Why Coaching Raises Your Standards and How to Get Beyond Standard

Why Coaching Raises Your Standards and How to Get Beyond Standard

How do you get beyond standard? How to you carve out a new life that is rich in value and lives up to your dreams?

Today I responded to a lovely lady from the UK who needs some help growing her business and came to me for coaching. But she’s painfully sitting on the fence; not making a decision.

It reminded me of where I came from and what I had to do to change my life and get beyond standard. It was 2004 and I was $70,000 in debt and had only $27 in my bank account. Doing the ‘standard’ things just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. I had to do something different.

Here is what I wrote to her after she made no decision:

Hi Sue (name changed to protect her identity),

Okay. Yes, your response is a bit vague. In fact, there is no decision in it. Would it be okay if I shared with you what I’ve learned in my 20 years of coaching? What took me from a massive debt to become a millionaire?

I know you want success, so I’d like to share with you what I’ve found that my most of my successful clients do.

They raise their standards by making a new decision and then four things to gain ultimate success. This is how you get beyond standard.

The decision?

Make a commitment to do whatever it takes to get whatever you want.

Say YES to your dreams, even if right now, you just don’t think you’ve got what it takes. Then…

1. Work out/decide/dream up what you really want from life, then

2. Work on devising the best possible strategy to get you there

3. Work out what you need (skills/tools/systems/connections/attitude) to make the strategy work, and

4. Take massive action on that strategy and remove any neural patterns that gets in the way of that action.

I know that sometimes it’s hard to make a decision because we don’t know what the future holds – and that’s acceptable to most, because that’s how 95% of the population live their lives. It’s standard practice. However, to get beyond standard, to really create a magical life of freedom, you have to do (most often) the opposite to what the large majority of people do.

To be extraordinary, ‘standard practice’ is no longer an option for you

Most people don’t realise that they’re making ‘standard practice’ decisions.

Last week my Singing Coach was whining about a speaker she listened to at a conference that she attended. She loved the speaker by the way but was annoyed that the speaker was paid $10,000 for a short keynote talk. Then she said, “You speak! Do you get paid $10,000 a talk?” I stupidly replied yes at which she immediately said, “And you’re paying me $35 an hour for singing and you get paid $10,000 an hour!” She was obviously offended.

But while she was sitting there stewing, I’m thinking – “I could coach her so she could increase her rates or become a singing speaker. That opportunity is there for her right now, but she’s too busy getting all bent up about it.”

I said, “Money and time are two illusions, and some people do much less for more – but they did much more to get there. And no, it’s not fair.

But everyone has the same opportunities in front of them, though let’s be honest here. Some decide to put up their hands and say, ‘let’s go for it’ while others sit on the fence; standard practice.” She of course sat on the fence and kept doing what she knew to do – and continued teaching me to sing. But she could have been singing a whole new tune.

Does this make sense to you?

Opportunities are all around you, but you won’t see them until you want to see them. So we just keep complaining.

It’s going to take many mindset shifts to get you to sing a new tune too, because we favour our patterns. We love our comfort zones. It’s why the world is getting fatter and sicker.

To get out of our patterns it’s typically uncomfortable, uncommon, weird, different – but ultimately it will become your new normal and your new normal will be what others see as a life beyond limits.

You will be admired, lauded, applauded – and hated by some as jealousies rise. My job as your future coach is to challenge your thinking until we break those old patterns that are keeping you stuck in an average life.

You’ve got to keep untraining your brain, until you become your future you. If you want it, it’s right in front of you… A richer way to think is not standard practice.

If you would like a complimentary consultation with R!k Check out his coaching page here or enjoy a solutions session with R!k here.

How To Be Confident In Yourself In ONE Simple Step!

how to be confident in yourself

Today I would like to show you how to be confident in yourself in one simple step. You can get an instant confidence boost in less than a minute? I know that’s a pretty brash claim, but I can prove it to you.

Confidence is one of those things that we all seem to want more of. Regardless of how much we have. There’s always a next challenge, another goal to reach, isn’t there? 

How you feel about yourself determines everything you will or won’t do. I won’t go into it fully now, but confidence, when you can summon it in an instant, is truly bankable. 

Your confidence that you project builds trust from others.

Your confident communication shows certainty and makes teams more productive, and inner confidence makes one feel more vital and alive. How to be confident in yourself comes down to how you feel. So how to you change how you feel?

Here is how to get a quick and obvious confidence boost.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to measure where your confidence levels are right now (in your head). How do you do that? Simply check in with yourself as to how you feel (it sometimes help to close your eyes).

Imagine that high confidence in yourself is a ten, and a no confidence is zero. Perhaps you’re not really feeling like connecting with others right now. In fact, you’d prefer to be on holidays, swinging on a hammock? Maybe you’re feeling a little anxious about something that’s coming up? If you’re not at the bottom, you’re not a zero and if you’re not at the top, you’re not a ten, you’re somewhere in-between. Go ahead and give your confidence level a number now.

Go ahead and calibrate yourself now. This is our measure point.

Now that you have your number, at least you know where you’re starting from. I know this might sound strange, but confidence is just a decision. From over 38,000 hours of coaching high-level performers, I’ve discovered that confidence is a quick, unconscious body scan about how we’re feeling inside, followed by a decision. The decision is usually a black or white one, such as I’m confident or I’m not confident. However, we can change our confidence by instead of scanning internally, we can scan our timeline.

Such as, think of a time that you had the highest confidence ever! Again, it’s sometimes easier to close your eyes as you recall it in a picture. Now, hear in your head the sounds associated with that picture and finally, allow yourself to feel it again. Begin to notice how your decision about your confidence levels seem to change. 

Here is another way to boost confidence that’s quick and simple.

How to be confident in yourself can come down to a simple posture change. Confidence starts at your sternum. Why your sternum? No reason really. It’s just a good place to start to increase your confidence. Now, your sternum is just below the point where your collarbones meet your chest. Raise your sternum slightly, a few centimetres (a couple of inches) now and notice how you feel more alert, more confident and perhaps even healthier. 

Now. Recalibrate yourself. Did your number increase? Typically, when we raise our sternum, we immediately feel more alert and alive. It’s a simple trick we teach our Speaker students – after all, when you are going to present at a meeting or speak to an audience, you need to feel alert, alive and more confident.

Raising your sternum also makes you more upright and strangely, I’ve found over the 17 years of coaching, that the more mental pain one is in, the more likely we’ll lower our shoulders and arch our backs. Too much computer or desk work can do this too. So while you’re reading this, pull your shoulders back and lift that sternum and notice how much better you feel. I hope this simple little tip helped you today.

You’ve got this!

Here is how to get a quick and obvious confidence boost.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to measure where your confidence levels are right now (in your head). How do you do that? Simply check in with yourself as to how you feel (it sometimes help to close your eyes).

Imagine that high confidence is a ten, and a no confidence is zero. Perhaps you’re not really feeling like connecting with others right now. In fact, you’d prefer to be on holidays, swinging on a hammock? Maybe your feeling a little anxious about something that’s coming up? If you’re not at the bottom, you’re not a zero and if you’re not at the top, you’re not a ten, you’re somewhere in-between. Go ahead and give your confidence level a number now.

Go ahead and calibrate yourself now. This is our measure point.

Now that you have your number, at least you know where you’re starting from. I know this might sound strange, but confidence is just a decision. From over 22,000 hours of coaching high-level performers, I’ve discovered that confidence is a quick, unconscious body scan about how we’re feeling inside, followed by a decision. The decision is usually a black or white one, such as I’m confident or I’m not confident. However, we can change our confidence by instead of scanning internally, we can scan our timeline.

Such as, think of a time that you had the highest confidence ever! Again, it’s sometimes easier to close your eyes as you recall it in a picture. Now, hear in your head the sounds associated with that picture and finally, allow yourself to feel it again. Begin to notice how your decision about your confidence levels seem to change. 

Here is another way to boost confidence that’s quick and simple.

Confidence starts at your sternum. Why your sternum? No reason really. It’s just a good place to start to increase your confidence. Now, your sternum is just below the point where your collarbones meet your chest. Raise your sternum slightly, a few centimetres (a couple of inches) now and notice how you feel more alert, more confident and perhaps even healthier. 

Now. Recalibrate yourself. Did your number increase? Typically, when we raise our sternum, we immediately feel more alert and alive. It’s a simple trick we teach our Speaker students – after all, when you are going to present at a meeting or speak to an audience, you need to feel alert, alive and more confident.

Raising your sternum also makes you more upright and strangely, I’ve found over the 17 years of coaching, that the more mental pain one is in, the more likely we’ll lower our shoulders and arch our backs. Too much computer or desk work can do this too. So while you’re reading this, pull your shoulders back and lift that sternum and notice how much better you feel. I hope this simple little tip helped you today and this has shown you how to be confident in yourself.

You’ve got this!

R!k Schnabel is one of Australia’s most successful coaches with string of successful clients. He is the Director of Coaching with Life Beyond Limits. Would like to be coached by R!k? Here’s the link to enjoy a free discover session with Australia’s #1 Brain Untrainer:

Why You Must Challenge Your Beliefs?

Why You Must Challenge Your Beliefs?

The greatest of challenges are usually found in your beliefs so it makes sense to every now again challenge your beliefs. But who goes looking there?

What we see or experience determines our reality. Though is it truly reality? After all, a snake can see colours that you cannot. A dog can smell aromas that you obliviously walk past. A medium can hear voices that you never will, particularly while you believe that speaking to the dead is impossible. Does this mean that anything other than what you experience exists? The answer is yes… and no.

The snake and the dog have stimulated and built neurological pathways that you can too access, but don’t. Dogs for example have developed, over time, millions more neurological receptors that connect their sense of smell to their brain. Why? Because they rely on food to survive, while we relied on mum and dad. While speaking to the dead may too require a neurological pathway to exist – this leads more into the realm of beliefs.

I’ve been a coach since 2002 and trainer since 2004, and one thing that I’ve learned in those 20 years is that “We believe what we see and so, we see what we believe.” That doesn’t mean that anything we don’t believe doesn’t exist. When I’m coaching someone to achieve something they as yet have not, for example, I must first help them to see the path of possibility – or they will never take that first courageous step.

So it could be said, “Our consciousness is defined by what we believe is possible.” Therefore, to expand what is possible for us, we must open our minds to previously unbelievable possibilities in order to expand our consciousness. Let me give you a personal, real life example.

Prior to 2004, my financial world could be described as a roller-coaster. I would go from having more money than I needed, to no money. Healthy bank balance to nil bank balance. Now nothing new truly happens until we make a new decision. So in 2004 I made a decision to change my mindset – and I mean go deep and change it for good. So I journeyed to find out ‘why’ my financial world was so limited and decided to study NLP. After all, my NLP Trainer sounded a lot like the broke version of me, yet he had solved his financial problems, I had not.

NLP couldn’t have come at a better time.

It was 2004. I was $70,000 in debt and I had $27 in the bank. I was desperate. If there was every a time to challenge your beliefs, it was now. I began working out what I needed to sell to get myself out of this ridiculous situation. This crazy consciousness cycle. However, in studying NLP, I learned that our belief system is like an ON or OFF button. If we believe something is true, our button of possibility is ON. If we believe something is untrue, then our button of possibility is OFF and we will never take any action that is counter-intuitive to our beliefs.

So I began exploring what I truly believed about my situation. How did I feel about the relationship between money and me? What was I conscious of when it came to money? What did I believe? My answers saddened me and I could see why I never truly wanted to answer those questions.

My beliefs became my stories; I would never succeed at making a lot of money. I was that poor kid. I am the guy that was always at the end of the queue when anything was being doled out. Ouch! That hurt.

Then and there, I decided to change all of my negative money beliefs. I soon discovered that there were many beliefs and I changed them all using a technique I learned in my NLP Training in Melbourne. Here are just some of them…

Money doesn’t grow on trees

(the nut and fruit industries beg to differ)

You have to work hard to make a lot of money

(While Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and friends may have worked hard at some stage, they certainly don’t today)

I came from a poor family, therefore I’m more likely to be poor

(Many of today’s billionaires, came from humble beginnings)

People like you and me weren’t meant to wealthy

(Beliefs like that will ensure you’re right)

I’m sure you’re getting the idea by now. So there I was, listing as many of my crappy money beliefs as I could and changing them one by one. In no time flat, I started to feel much better about money and myself. This might sound strange, but it seemed as though I was taller, smarter and certainly more hopeful. These were the keys to my prosperity to come.

“All is possible for he who believes – Jesus Christ”

Now sayings like the one above used to have me being a tad cynical, until my NLP Trainer told me that “Cynicism and skepticism are just fear, intellectualised to sound intelligent.” I began to realise that changing your beliefs to bring about more hope are not stupid. They are in fact, courageous. While most people thought my new beliefs around prosperity were preposterous! I knew, they were just being fearful. My new beliefs actually challenged or aptly threatened their logic. Though what I realised was that beliefs unchallenged is a life unchanged.

Beliefs unchallenged is a life unchanged

Our beliefs are simply designed to keep us safe. Though a safe life (in my view) is not really a life at all. Where there is no challenge there is no growth. Our very ‘firsts’ are naturally scary. Our first steps; our first kiss; our first day on the job; but each of those firsts expand our consciousness of what is possible. Challenges lead to change.

So how did I go changing all of those beliefs?

We’ll remember my money issues? We’ll I recall four things that happened after changing my beliefs that literally blew my mind! The first happened in a phone call I received while at work where I earned half a year’s salary in that one call. That happened twice in a row. Then I got another phone call where I earned an entire annual salary in that call! Then I started my Life Beyond Limits and in one talk, in less than an hour, I earned 3 months income! These were not the results of the man who before learning NLP couldn’t earn more than five-figures in a year!

Today, I can make in a day, as much money as I used to make in a year! Seriously! This was once impossible for me. My beliefs wouldn’t even let me risk the opportunity to earn more. If you’re finding this hard to believe, then the truth is I am not the person who you should question. Perhaps you should question yourself? Will I challenge myself to reach higher, to go further and challenge my beliefs? Will I risk being scared? The answer “Yes” offers you the possibility of a new prosperous life. The answer no? Well, you know the answer to that one.

Today, my greatest joy is to teach and coach people to go beyond their consciousness. It’s a great buzz to see your clients and students do today what they couldn’t yesterday. I guess it’s like the joy that parents get when their children do something they once couldn’t.

To go way beyond what is currently possible and into a world of hope, imagination and where dreams begin. Each time I do that for others, I’m a little scared, because it’s not just about me stretching the limits, I now have a client, a partner who is courageous and willing. Though anything worth experiencing, usually has an element of overcoming fear about it.

That’s why I believe in teachers, coaches and mentors. People that will take you beyond where you’ve been. To stand at the feet of giants is courage. To be at the doorway of infinite opportunity is at times overwhelming. But better that, then living an underwhelming life, a life of limits.

If you want more from your life? You must challenge your beliefs… 

Let’s face it, few people are ready to live a life beyond limits. Few have the courage and that is why it’s a small percentage of the population that live extraordinary lives. But they’re the ones I work with. If that’s you, let’s talk. It will cost you nothing but the time it takes to have a chat with me, to see what is truly possible for you, if you are willing to stand at the feet of giants, go ahead, let’s schedule a call here or check out our most transformational course ever!

NLP Training Melbourne – Why This Course Transforms Your World

NLP Training Melbourne – Why This Course Transforms Your World

In May this year (2019), I’m teaching my final NLP Practitioner Training in Melbourne. So the question is why would I stop teaching “The most transformational course available in Melbourne?” The answer is simple, yet most are finding it hard to understand.

I’ve been teaching this course now for 15 years and while my students are totally transforming their careers, businesses, relationships, wealth and health by doing this course – I am not. I’ve stagnated.

Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching NLP Practitioner Training and Life Coach Training, but it’s time that I equally stretched my wings.

When you’ve done over 22,000 hours of coaching and training – you can do it in your sleep – and I do, often. I actually dream about teaching NLP Practitioner Training in Melbourne – sometimes from up on the rafters and sometimes from the back of the room, sometimes in another country – but that’s dreams for  you.

But why quit teaching NLP Practitioner Training now?

I always want to remain an advocate for this training. After all, where else can you learn to massively improve your external and more importantly, your internal communication?

What other course can you totally transform your mindset and shift your beliefs and break your debilitating patterns?

And as a Coach, Manager, Trainer or Leader, where else can you master your language in such a way that it helps you and your teams and your clients to achieve their goals and reach the unreachable?

So I will always remain a staunch advocate for NLP Practitioner Training because I believe that it helps it’s students to live the sort of life, that without it, is near impossible.

Edward DeBono once said, “If there was only ONE course that I could do in my life, it would be learning NLP.” Once you’ve done it, you’ll know exactly why.

If you want to take part in my final NLP Practitioner Training Melbourne, call us on 03 8669 1121 or register here or here for the online training.

Harness Your Self-Healing Power Through Meditation

Harness Your Self-Healing Power Through Meditation

Story by Cassie Steele. Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash.

Mindfulness is a technique spreading rapidly, after studies by Australian and American researchers showed that it reduces grey matter and therefore helps to maintain proper brain function. If you want to grow as a person, then you will need to achieve the highest level of mental clarity. Meditation is a way to beat stress, take control of emotions and overcome obstacles. To heal yourself and become a better person, consider engaging in Buddhist inspired meditation activities. This will help you to reduce anger, increase love and ultimately achieve even the most impossible sounding life goals.

Take Control of Your Anger

Anger is something that all humans could do with reducing. It will cause you to act without clarity, meaning you make mistakes, and hinder the formation of relationships.
However, meditation can have a powerful effect. A study published in Consciousness and Cognition journal found that just one 20 minute meditation session caused a decrease in blood pressure, breathing rate and heart when the meditater later experienced anger.

If you feel yourself becoming angry, take a few deep breaths. Focus on that feeling in your body. Really concentrate on it and notice the feeling begin to dissipate. You will quickly learn that anger is a temporary emotion, which is manufactured in the brain. Using meditation, you can clear your mind and act with reason and rationality.

Enter a State of Love and Kindness

Connecting to something transcendent won’t just benefit you, but others around you. You can meditate on the inherent value of other beings, viewing them as creatures worthy of respect and compassion. This will come back around to help you achieve your goals, as more people wish to work with you and offer the same respect in return. A study in the American Journal of Public Health found that kindergarten students who shared their toys were more likely to graduate college and get a job before 25, showing the power of kindness in achieving success.

Focus on Your Dreams, Make Them a Reality

Visualisation is the practice of meditating on a life goal. By intensely imagining the place you want to be in life, you can help to make it a reality. Often, people consider their dreams to be impossible, but researchers studying the brain patterns of weightlifters found the same neural pathways were activated whether they were really lifting weights or just imagining it. Therefore, through visualization, you are strengthening the neurochemistry required to achieve a goal. This is a technique used by many successful stars such as Jim Carrey and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Meditation is an essential part of staying sane in a busy world. Beyond lowering stress, it will reduce anger so that you can make wiser decisions. It will also help you to be a kinder person, so that you can stop competing and start working with others to build success. Through visualization, you can further bring your dreams towards you until they become a reality.

Cassie Steele is a professional freelance writer with a passion for the spiritual world and nurturing her connection with her inner self. She loves to spend time in nature and when not working, is often found outside exploring the great outdoors.